National Volunteer Appreciation Week
The 2023 National Volunteer Appreciation Week is April 16-22.
Please take a moment to nominate a 4-H Volunteer/Leader who has made an impact on you this 4-H year!
Show your appreciation and submit nominations by April 16th through this
Nominated volunteers will receive a special gift in the mail during Volunteer Appreciation Week, so please help us show our gratitude for their contributions to our program! 
"Spring Into 4-H" Project Exploration Day
Join us for our first ever Project Exploration Day on
Sunday, April 16th from 2pm-4pm in Fairgrounds Exhibit Building #4. 
Workshop descriptions in flyer above!
Gallatin County 4-H has the unique opportunity to partner with the MSU Agricultural Education department during spring semesters in the odd calendar years. Dr. Shannon Arnold, Professor in Agricultural Education, teaches an Extension Philosophy and Programs in Extension course (AGED309) that we will be partnering with in spring 2023. In this course, MSU undergrad students explore different types of Extension programming and gain hands-on experience teaching non-formal education programs to an audience (ex. 4-H workshops).
Montana 4-H State Shooting Sports Results
Congratulations to all of the 4-H Shooters, Leaders, Coaches, and Families on their performance at the State Shoot back in early March! Please see the links below to review the results of the Shoot.


Here is the link to the State Shoot photos. Feel free to share:  State Shoot 2023

A message from Scott Francis:
(Gallatin 4-H Shooting Sports Leaders & 4-H Center Outdoor Education Coordinator)


"This event would not have been possible without the great volunteers and businesses that provided this amazing event.  A huge thank you goes out to Big Sky Archery, Bozeman Rifle Club, and  Gallatin County Fairgrounds for their support of this great event.  We could not have put on this event without them teaming with us.  Thank you to Colton Crane for donating a pallet of water at the Archery Event.  The donation is greatly appreciated.  We would like to sincerely thank all of the 4-H members, families, friends, and leaders that volunteered to assist with range set-up, range clean-up, scoring, registration, and equipment check.  You all did a fantastic job.


Thank you to Paul and Kellie Rasmussen for selling the clothing and apparel for the weekend.  It is exciting to advertise this special shoot.


A huge thank you goes out to the local State Shoot Committee and Range Officers."



Randy & Heather Radke

Patrick & Merrita Marble

David Miller

Matt and Nicole Fry

Mike Prester


Airgun and Smallbore

Lee & Lisa Nelson

Lance & Lisa Strauch

Fred Nelson

Shad Powers

Bill Ott

Stacey Hildebrandt

Tom Everett

Ben Sutherlin

Jake Kleimer

Jimmy Talarico

Jared Heiken

RECAP: County Contest Info Night
Gallatin 4-H brought back our County Contest Info Night this year to help increase awareness and participation in our upcoming Communications Day and Foods contests. Back in early March, teen 4-H members and leaders educated 4-H youth and families on the different contests and how to prepare a successful presentation. 
  • Teen 4-H member Nicole helped demonstrate proper food and kitchen safety techniques to help members prepare for our Foods contests (Stir-Ups Cooking Contest and Better Batter Baking Contest). Members learned about cross-contamination, when to use certain types of knives, and how to clean your station as you go.
  • Teen 4-H member Grace created an example of what you should do in a Demonstration contest (clean visual aid, simple steps, confidence, clear speaking voice). Members practiced judging and learned how to identify good presentation habits.
  • Teen 4-H member Taylor created an example to show what happens when you don’t prepare and research your Demonstration topic (bad information, wrong materials). Members practiced judging and learned how to identify areas that could improve to make the presentation more effective. 
  • Teen 4-H member Cora created an example of what not to do in a Demonstration contest (busy visual aid, long summary, fidgeting, quiet speaking voice). Members practiced judging and learned how to identify areas that could improve to make the presentation more effective.
We can't wait to see what our members create and present at our THREE upcoming County Contests in April!
2023 Montana 4-H Rec Lab
Seven of our teen 4-H members and Extension Agent Molly attended the Montana 4-H “Rendezvous” Rec (Recreation) Lab in Culbertson, MT March 17-19. Our members participated in hands-on workshops like leathercraft, ring making, native plant identification, dance, Dutch oven cooking, sewing, water quality and more! They were also able to experience performances, keynote speakers and demonstrations to learn about the local culture and histories. 
Pictured (from left to right):
Back row: Kaitlyn Scott, Aspen Smart, Bonnie Radke
Front row: Nicole Berger, Madi Ashburn, Maggie Radke
Check out more photos on our Facebook page post here: 



Rec Lab will be in District 5 next year (Dillon area most likely), so much closer to us! We encourage any 4-H youth ages 13+ to consider attending next year!

THANK YOU to the MSU AgEd student teachers for their AWESOME workshop stations at our March Animal Quality Assurance workshop! 
Ella & Mandy - Vet Care Station
Lainey - Feeds & Nutrition Station
Emma - Quality Control Station 
Sidney (not pictured) - workshop assistant  
60 4-H youth members and 20+ parents braved the winter storm last weekend to attend the first Animal Quality Assurance Workshop of the year. It was a huge success and a full afternoon of fun hands-on activities!
*Photo credit: Shannon Arnold & Sidney
4-H International Exchange Program - Member Spotlight!
Congratulations to our very own Gallatin 4-H member, Nicole Berger! She recently completed a rigorous application and interview process with the 4-H International Exchange Program and was selected as one of four Montana 4-H members to participate in the summer exchange program this year! She will be in Japan for 4 weeks (July-August) to learn about their culture, 4-H program, language and country! We can't wait to hear all about her adventures!

Youth State Awards


The Montana 4-H State Awards program is in place to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of 4-H members who have reached a standard of excellence in a project area. State Award winners have gone above and beyond regular project work with a focus on leadership, communication, and community service.

State Award recipients are recognized during the Banquet at Montana 4-H Congress in July and are eligible to attend National 4-H Congress in November 2023.

Application Deadline is May 1, 2023 to the Montana 4-H Center 


Apply Here: https://www.montana.edu/extension/4h/programs/awards/state-awards.html

4-H Impact Survey
A national/state survey to measure the impact 4-H has on youth (13-18) was recently sent to families through Qualtrics by the Montana 4-H Center. The parent letter included in the email informs the parent or guardian of the study, requests their permission for their child to participate, and contains the survey link. The youth letter does not contain the survey link to prevent 4-H member participation without parental knowledge. 
The goals of this study include: (1) To obtain data on 4‐H youth outcomes related to Positive Youth Development (PYD) through 4-H programming in the following areas: Civic Engagement, College and Career Readiness, Healthy Living and Science; and (2) To assess a youth’s experience as described by the 4-H Thriving Model of PYD. This data will be used both to report impact to National 4-H Council, stakeholders, and to make data-driven programming decisions. This is an annual cross-sectional study of individually enrolled 4-H members that will reveal important information to improve Montana 4-H. Areas for improvement may also be discovered for national 4-H efforts when data from all states is compiled. 
We encourage you to participate in this study! Survey responses are due by May 15th. 




Keep an eye out for an email coming your way soon with details and registration link for our upcoming 4-H Summer Camp! We are planning to launch registration in May.


When: July 30 - August 2, 2023

Where: Yellowstone Alliance Adventures

Theme: "Medieval"

Youth Campers: ages 8-13 (as of Oct. 1, 2022)

EVENTS                                                                back to top 


MARCH 31 County Event Registration DUE through ZSuite (Better Batter Baking Contest, Stir-Ups Cooking Contest & Communication Day Contest)


APRIL 1  County 4-H Scholarship Applications DUE to the office


APRIL 4  ULC Meeting


APRIL 10 Office Closed


APRIL 15 Better Batter Baking & Stir-Ups Cooking Contests (MSU Herrick Hall)


APRIL 16 "Spring Into 4-H" Project Exploration Day (details in section above)


APRIL 16-22 Volunteer Appreciation Week 


APRIL 22  AQA Workshop (9am-12pm)


APRIL 23  Newsletter Blurbs DUE


APRIL 28-30 Global Youth Service Days 


APRIL 29 County Communications Day Contests (MSU Animal Bioscience Bldg)



See other April Committee, Club and Project updates in sections below.



MAY 1 Montana 4-H State Youth Awards Deadline (details in section above)


MAY 3 County Contest Awards Night (Better Batter Baking, Stir-Ups, Communications Day)


MAY 4-5 Give Big Fundraiser - Gallatin County 4-H Foundation 



The 4-H Year at a Glance - Full 2022-2023 4-H Yearly Calendar HERE

COMMITTEES                                                      back to top
ULC (Unlimited Leaders Council)


ULC meets the first Tuesday of every month, with our next meeting on April 4th at 6pm at the Extension Office.


Greetings from the Gallatin County ULC!  


Apologies for last month’s prediction that Spring was on the doorstep. No further predictions regarding the arrival of Spring are offered here : ) However, we are looking forward to several Gallatin County 4-H events in April, including Communications Day, Stir-Ups Cooking and the Better Batter Baking Contests.


At the March ULC meeting, five financial assistance requests from Gallatin County 4-H members to attend the State 4-H Rec Lab were approved. ULC is pleased to see such strong participation from our county. ULC congratulates the Saddle Stars, Dag Nabids, Gateway Challengers, Divine Mercy and Willow Creek Wranglers clubs for their one sentence responses to the Montana Farmers Union $100 grant opportunity and the clubs that followed up with creative Thank You notes for an additional donation from the Union.


ULC reviewed the draft Fair Schedule and encourages families to carefully review it upon release. There are significant changes intended to improve the flow of activities through the week. Note that the livestock auction will start at 4pm on Friday night and Round Robin will start at 1pm on Sunday. An Indoor silent auction will run all week.


Here is Hoping for Mud in April! - Submitted by Aaron Pruitt


Current Committee: Shelly McPhee, Aaron Pruitt, Kelly Pavlik, Patrick Marble, Toni Berger, Tamara Knappenberger, Stephanie Lively, Monika Johnson, Jessie Sheperd and Molly Yurdana. Youth Members: Kaitlyn Scott, Erica Hastings and Nicole Berger. 

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, May 9th at 6pm at the Extension Office. 

If you are planning to sell an animal at the county fair this summer, please review and sign the 2022-2023 Gallatin County Market Livestock Contract. This contract explains the workshop requirements, animal possession deadlines, expectations and other important information. This is in addition to any other specific animal contracts that your project leaders may give you.


You can use the link below to digitally fill out and sign the contract. After both the youth, parent/guardian, and the 4-H Agent signs the contract, you will be emailed a completed form to keep for your records. The 4-H Office will pass along to the contracts to the appropriate species leaders. This contract is due by the possession date for your species.


Sign Contract Here: https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=4697684b-6ff5-417b-af3c-e1d3e986b08b&env=na3&acct=960f6090-f7cb-40a6-adf5-0490f456d6eb&v=2

Please note: The Poultry and Swine projects have additional contracts that are supplementary to the Market Contract. 
All other information will be in the Fairbook, which is usually published in April each year.
The next Gallatin 4-H Foundation meeting  will be held April 27th at the Extension Office @ 6pm. This committee fundraises for higher education scholarships and new clubs and projects. 
CLUBS                                                            back to top
Bozeman Area Clubs

Dag Nabids Club


Contact leaders for meeting dates, times and locations.


The Dad Nabids had their 4th 4-H club meeting Monday, January 23 at a glass blowing place.


At the artist's studio, we watched two people repeat multiple steps changing it a little bit at a time to make glass cups and other glass things. He showed us other glass things like tubes, but the thing that amazed me the most was the shells. They looked like real shells but made out of glass.


The Dad Nabids had their 5th 4-H club meeting on Monday, February 27 at the MSU science lab.


We looked at electron microscopes and looked at many objects including a penny, a piece of cork, and a feather. We also took a quiz. we were trying to figure out what each picture that she was showing us is. I don't think anyone got every single one right, I didn't even get half of them right.


- Submitted by Luca Zello


The next meeting is not scheduled yet.


Questions, please call or text:

Belinda Nash 406-570-5585 or

Monika Johnson 406-579-3211


DLE Club


Developing Leadership Excellence is one of the Teen Leadership projects and clubs for Gallatin County. This project and club is open to members 13 and up.


Please watch your email and Band for more information.


If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee - ksmcphee0315@gmail.com (email), 

gallatindle@gmail.com (email), or 406-595-4774 (text).


Gallatin Gallopers Club


Contact leader for meeting dates, times and locations.


Our club is based on the Horseless Horse project, but anyone interested in horses is welcome to join. 


The next meeting for the Gallatin Gallopers will be on Tuesday, April 11, 6:30pm, at Cedar Ridge Equine. We will discuss upcoming field trips and community service, then have a presentation by one of our members with her horse. We hope all of our members can make it!


If you have questions, contact Cynthia Brewer at 406-539-3806 or cynthiab610@gmail.com.

Hyalite Hawks Club


Contact leader for meeting dates, times and locations.


For any questions, please contact

Jen Wold: jenmariewold@hotmail.com



Four Corners/Gallatin Gateway Area Clubs
Gateway Challengers Club


Meetings take place the second Monday of each month at the Gallatin Gateway Community Center from 6:30- 8:00 p.m.


On March 13 the Gallatin Gateway Challengers got together and discussed old business, new business, and listened to demonstration projects. A big thanks to Jessica Black and Carrie Black for providing dinner for the club. 


Submitted by Nolan Samson


For our next meeting will meet in the Gallatin Gateway school cafeteria on April 10 from 6:00-8pm. (100 Mill St., Gallatin Gateway, 59730).


For any questions, please contact

Jessica Black



Belgrade Area Clubs
Belgrade Pioneers Club
Meetings take place on the first Thursday of each month at 6:00pm at WB Ranch in Belgrade.

The Belgrade Pioneers were not able to meet on Thursday, March 2nd, but we are making plans for our communication meeting on Thursday, April 6th, at 6 pm, at the WB Ranch Arena. We are going to try a new method of communication for a number of our members and eat yummy Christmas dinner foods, although we are hoping that the weather looks more like Spring! 


Do you want more information? Please contact Shelly McPhee at ksmcphee@charter.com or 406-595-4774.


Pass Creek Club


Meetings take place on the first Sunday of each month at 4:00pm at Springhill Church.


For any questions, please contact Cassie Smieja: smiejahay@latmt.com


Saddle Mountain Club


Contact leader for meeting dates, times and locations. 


For any questions, please contact

Jess Woodring:



Saddle Stars Club


Club meetings take place the second Monday of each month, at 6:00 pm at the Bridge Church in Belgrade. 


Contact our club leader, Tamara Knappenberger for more information.

Email: Saddlestars4h@gmail.com 

Facebook: @SaddleStars4H

Website: https://saddlestars4hclub.webs.com

Tamara: tkknappenberger@yahoo.com   (307) 214-8336 

Shining Mountaineers Club


Meetings take place on the first Monday of each month from 6:00-8:00pm at the River Rock Nazarene Church. 


We will hold our next Shining Mountaineers club meeting on April 3rd at the Church of Nazarene at 6 pm. 


For any questions, please contact leader Patrick Marble at 406-570-5897 

Manhattan Area Clubs

Dry Creek Teens Club

This club is designed for members ages 12 & older as of Oct. 1st. 


Meetings take place on the first Monday of each month at 6:30pm at the Bridge Church in Manhattan.


If you have questions, please contact Kelly Pavlik 406-600-1016 or via email kelly.pavlik@barnard-inc.com

Gallatin Valley Livestock Club


Contact leader for meeting dates, times and locations.


For any questions, please contact Jen Scott: gr8jenscott@gmail.com 



Manhattan Clever Clovers Club

This club is for members ages 8-11 as of Oct. 1st. We do not specialize in any projects but introduce the members to record keeping, demonstrations/ public speaking, parliamentary procedure and pick fun topics to learn about each month.


Meetings take place on the second Monday of each month at 6:30pm at the Bridge Church in Manhattan.


If you have questions, please contact Kelly Pavlik 406-600-1016 or via email kelly.pavlik@barnard-inc.com


If your member is 7th grade and older and they’ve been in 4-H previously, we encourage them to join the Dry Creek 4-H Club but please inquire if you are unsure what would be best for your member.


We are also seeking an Adult Volunteer to serve as a co-leader to help organize/carry out for this upcoming 4-H year.

Manhattan Livestock Club


Contact leader for meeting dates, times and locations.


For any questions, please contact Melanie Duffin: rmduffin3@gmail.com


Three Forks Area Clubs
Clarkston Mustangs Club


Contact leader for meeting dates, times and locations. 


For any questions, please contact Cassandra Mitchell:




Willow Creek Wranglers Club


Meetings take place on the second Monday or Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm at Three Forks School.


Next meeting: April 4th at 6:30pm at Three Forks School Elementary Library 


We Stuffed eggs for the Easter egg hunt

Easter egg hunt. Carston will buy prizes 

Angie and Catherine make a box for food donations. We will meet at 10:00am on April 1st at the Bertagnoli park to hide eggs. Egg hunting stats at 11:00am. Jake and Wyt did presentations. Jake did fake morel vs real ( mushrooms). Wyt did a presentation on injecting a swine (pig). Ask them about their presentation.

- Submitted by Cassie Schmitt


For any questions, please contact Katy Hansen at 570-9996 or Sam Cavin at 599-8288.

Member At Large

New to 4-H? Not sure what club fits your style? Register for your projects under

“Member at Large” when completing your 4-H Enrollment Clubs page on ZSuite.


Participating in a specific 4-H club is not a requirement to participate in 4-H projects, but clubs provide members a great opportunity to get more involved with their communities, leaders, and group activities.


We encourage members to join one of our clubs listed above!

PROJECTS                                                    back to top
2022-2023 4-H Projects
(listed alphabetically)

Are you 13 years old or older?  Do you want to help younger members in the County?  Do you like to plan and put on events and attend retreats? Do you want to be a Gallatin County Ambassador for the 2022 - 2023 4-H year? 


If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee at ksmcphee0315@gmail.com or 406.595.4774.




All About Pie!  We had a fun March meeting where we focused on pies!  That means that we are down to only two project meetings and an optional workshop before we bake on our own!  Our next meeting will be April 17th at 6:00pm. The theme for April is "Let Them Eat Cake!"  We will meet at the MSU Food Lab, Herrick Hall Room #120, located on S. 7th Avenue. Please be watching for the Signup Genius so that we know how many supplies to bring!


If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee - ksmcphee0315@gmail.com (email)  or 406-595-4774 (text).  


I am looking forward to baking with you all!


MSU Baking Dates:

May 8



April 16th, 2023- MANDATORY weigh-in and demonstration of control. This is where you have to demonstrate full control of your steer in order to attend fair. Schedule will be sent out a week before.


Please feel free to call any of the leaders any time with questions:


Beef Committee:

Annabel Morgan 406-580-9003

Seth Halverson 406-209-1178

Melanie Duffin 406-209-1978

Craig DeBoer



Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each month at the Gallatin County Extension Office at 6pm. 


Email Ginny Francis ginnyfrancis@yahoo.com or Kelley gklerwick@gmail.com for further details and location details.


Mark your calendars!  2023 4-H Summer Camp will be held July 30th (Campers)/July 29th (Counselors) - August 2nd, 2023, at the Yellowstone Youth Alliance!  


The Camp Counselors have been hard-at-work planning Medieval workshops and activities. Our next meeting will be Monday, April 24th, from 6:30 - 8:30 at the Gallatin County Extension Office.  Remember that each counselor needs to participate in two (2) fundraising events or pay $200.  If you are wondering where you are in your participation, please let Shelly know!  For more information and questions, contact Shelly McPhee - ksmcphee0315@gmail.com (email), gallatincamp@gmail.com (email), or 406-595-4774 (text). 


Date                  Time                   Location

April 24           6:30 - 8:30          Extension Office          

May TBD                                                                          Poll will come out in Band.

May 6             Time TBD           Extension Office          First Aid/CPR training

June 17          10:00 - 6:00        Extension Office           Workshop Run Through


Please take a minute to jot these on your calendar.  We look forward to seeing you!


If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee - ksmcphee0315@gmail.com (email),  gallatincamp@gmail.com (email), or 406-595-4774 (text).


The Cloverbud program is designed for youth ages 5-7 (age as of Oct. 1) and strives to develop age-appropriate skills and abilities by giving these young members the opportunity to explore various topics and activities in 4-H before becoming a regular youth member. 


Cloverbud Project will meet on the second Wednesday of the month (Dec-June) at the fairgrounds from 5:30-7pm. In March we highlighted the dog project (made our own dog posters and had a mock dog show). April we will do woodworking and a service project!


Watch for an email a few days before for building number, supplies to bring ect.

If you have questions please email Erin Neil at ehagmeier@gmail.com.



Our next meeting is scheduled for April 18th, 6 - 8:30 pm, at the MSU food lab, room #120 in Herrick Hall, located on S. 7th Avenue off of W. Cleveland.  If you aren't familiar with the MSU campus and need details on how to get there, then call or text me and I can explain in detail.  You will receive a Signup Genius email before the meeting to sign up.  Please RSVP so that we can plan accordingly.  Hope to see you all there!


Call, text, or email Stephanie Lively with any questions.




Our next dairy cow workshop will be on April 10, 2023 from 6:30 to 8:00pm at the 4-H Office.  Any questions please contact one of the project leaders. Looking forward to seeing you in April!


- Project leaders Shawna Oostema (406) 580-7819 or Cassie Smieja (406) 539-3833.



Dog Obedience:

Our project is officially underway!! We will have class every Wednesday for the month of April from 4:30 until approximately 5:15 at Montana Murray Kennels. You MUST have proof of current Rabies vaccine to participate! 


We will have a guest speaker on April 12th from 5:00 - 6:30 focusing on showmanship. Obedience will still start at 4:30 and we will wrap up early for our presentation. 


We will have a guest speaker on April 26th focusing on grooming, normal class time.


If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. 

Shawnna Taylor 406-599-0869 




Dog Agility:


Hello Dog Agility Participants!

Currently our meetings will be held on Thursdays at 4pm at Montana Murray Kennels. As discussed in the first meeting we will need everyone to come prepared for class with closed- toed shoes and gear for being outside as well as a proper collar and leash for your dog. In the month of April, we will be having a couple of guest speakers.


On Wednesday, 4/12 at 4:30pm all agility participates are able to attend a showmanship speaker at the kennel during the obedience class and there will be no dogs on this day. We will have our regularly scheduled class the next day on Thursday. We will also be having a groomer speak on Thursday, April 27th and we do want dogs for this class!


Again, if you have any questions or concerns, please give me a call at 406.388.4789 or email at facility@montanamurraykennels.com.

Thank you!

- Jen


Our next workshop will be April 10th at 6:30 at the extension office. We will be doing a few activities so come test your knowledge about market goats! We would also like to thank Rocky Mountain Supply for putting on a feed Presentation for our project! 


If you are planning to sell an animal at the county fair this summer, please review and sign the 2022-2023 Gallatin County Market Livestock Contract. This contract explains the workshop requirements, animal possession deadlines, expectations and other important information.This contract is due by the possession date, May 7th, for the Goat Project.

Sign Contract Here: https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=4697684b-6ff5-417b-af3c-e1d3e986b08b&env=na3&acct=960f6090-f7cb-40a6-adf5-0490f456d6eb&v=2



Amy Brownell (406) 209-2720 

Gena Johnson (406) 599-5920

Aimee Henry (406) 548-1031



Workshop Schedule 


April 1, 2023  10:30 am- 1:00 pm

Four Corners Murdoch's- FUNDRAISER


April TBA


May 9-11 (time/date slot will be announced closer to date)

Farm Fair


June- TBA showmanship


Other Important Dates

June 28, 2023- Record Books Due to Office

June 28,2023- CL/CAE results Due

July 13-14, 2023 Project Interviews

July 18-23,2023- FAIR


Questions? Contact a member of the Dairy Goat Committee:

Leah' Macdonald 406-220-3556 

Gena Johnson 406-599-5920



Above photo is of March Horsemanship Clinic at Gallatin River Ranch: 5 groups-Trail, Horsemanship Patterns, Equitation on the rail, Record Books and Community Service (happening outside).


We have lots of great workshops coming up, including a general Horsemanship clinic this Saturday at the Fairgrounds!  Please sign up on the Signup Genius links on the calendar 2 days prior to the clinic!  Sign up here:  22-23 Horse Events


A few other reminders:  


Sponsorships:  Sponsorships of $75 per family or $50 per member were due by the end of March!  Turn in individual/family sponsorships to venmo @GallatinCounty-HorseCommittee.  If you have met or would like to meet your sponsorship commitment in some other way, please participate in a 4H fundraiser and donate your proceeds to the Horse Committee or contact Toni Berger to participate in helping secure a corporate sponsorship.  406-539-3747


Vaccines:  Be sure and administer your spring vaccines before June 1.  Turn in the photo of receipt of spring vaccines and coggins tests. A 5 way vaccine including West Nile, Eastern/Western Sleeping Sickness, influenza and Rhino (EHV) is recommended while influenza/ Rhino (EHV) is required. Email receipt, horse name, and date of vaccination to the gc4hhorse@gmail.com


Clinic Requirements:  There are a limited number of clinics left before Fair so please make sure you are on track to meet the clinic requirements of each project you plan to show in!

Horsemanship-any 2 workshops

Colt to Maturity/Green Horse- 2 c2m/gh workshops

Jumping-2 jumping workshops (only 1 required for level 4 and up)

WRH-3 WRH workshops (at least 1 of the 3 must be on cattle)


Please be sure to check the updated google drive for an accurate calendar! 22-23 Horse Events



Horse Committee meetings are held on the third Monday at 6:30 pm at the Smart's residence every month. We welcome any parents who want to be involved and help shape the project! 


Call Jessie Sheperd for more information!

Jessie Sheperd- Twister Coach 352-304-1648  jlsheperd@gmail.com


Our next meeting is scheduled for April 1. We will meet at Cafe M 9:30-11:15.  Please bring your completed and blocked squares to this meeting.  We need to evaluate how many squares we have for our blanket(s) for the Cancer Center.  


We will meet the following Saturday, April 8 in the community room of the Belgrade Public Library 10:00-12:00 to begin sewing our squares together for our group project.


We will discuss meeting at Cafe M on the 15th when we get together. This could be a day for you to work on your individual projects for the fair and get any help you may need.


We will meet at the Belgrade Public Library on May 6 and 20 at 10:00 to complete the blankets and work on the project board for the fair.



April 1    9:30 - 11:15 at Cafe M/Belgrade  *BRING YOUR SQUARES

April 8    10:00 - 12:00  at Belgrade Library

April 15  9:30 - 11:15 at Cafe M/Belgrade (if needed)

May 6     10:00 - 12:00  at Belgrade Library

May 20  10:00 - 12:00  at Belgrade Library


- Jeanette and Phyllis


This project and club is open to members 13 and up. Developing Leadership Excellence is one of the Teen Leadership projects and clubs for Gallatin County. 


Please watch your email and Band for more information.


If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee at ksmcphee@charter.net or 406-595-4774.



During our March meeting everyone put their skills to the test and stabilized a leather coaster, cased the leather, stamped a design on it and then learned how to lace a back on the coaster using the whip stitch! Everyone completed a coaster from start to finish.


The 2nd and 4th Thursday of April and May Leathercraft will be meeting at 6 pm at the River Rock Church of the Nazarene.


April meeting: BRING A PROJECT TO WORK ON!! Half of the meeting will cover stitching and the other half is your time to work on your project and ask questions. Kits for leather cart projects are available at Hobby Lobby, Tandy Leather (in Billings), Weaver Leather, Maker's Leather Supply, Montana Leather (in Billings), Springfield Leather.


Meeting split is listed below as a reminder:

  • 11 or younger for this 4-H year, your meeting will be second Thursday of every month.  This group will also include the JulianoFrueh, and Barr family
  • 12+ for this 4-H year your meeting will be held on the 4th Thursday of the month.  This group will also include the Meissner Family

***Project Workshop Announcement*****

Amanda Fraker, will be hosting a project workshop on how to carve a coaster.            When:  April 1st, 2023

Where: Gallatin County Extension Office Meeting Rooms- **Use North Doors

Cost: $5 to cover the cost of the leather coasters

Time:  9-12 (noon)

What to Bring: tools if you have them


Contact Merrita Fraker-Marble ASAP to sign up.



Workshop Announcement

Open to all beginning leatherworkers 19 years of age or less.

Tandy Leather's Beginning Leathercraft class for Kids (Free) at the Rocky Mountain Leather Trade Show

When: May 20, 2023

Where: Sheridan, Wyoming


Time: 1 to 4 pm


Workshop Description: The basics of leather tooling (carving & stamping) will be demonstrated in this workshop for aspiring leather workers aged 19 and under. Students will receive individual hands-on help with practicing the techniques and completing a leather project. All materials will be provided. *Pre-Registration is required.  If you have and would like to bring your own tools you can otherwise everything is provided. 

The link is below:

Tandy Leather’s Beginning Leathercraft for Kids – Leather Crafters & Saddlers Journal (leathercraftersjournal.com)



Questions? Contact leader Merrita Marble at marble@bresnan.net or 406-388-2055

Call Kris with Questions: 406-539-3760.  Make sure to add kmbrewcrew@gmail.com to your safe-list to recieve the email updates.


Thank you to our senior/advanced poultry members for presenting about their ducks, geese and guineas at our March meeting.  For April we will learn about pigeons from a guest speaker (Richard Galli).  Also, at our April workshop we will be doing our egg drop event!  Guidelines for the egg drop will come out separately by email. Come join the fun on April 13, 2023 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at Building #4 Fairgrounds.  Any questions please contact one of the 4-H poultry leaders.  Remember to bring your records books and activity books with you too!


Please also remember that our May workshop will be held on May 11, 2023 from 6:00 to 8:00pm (note the time change). At our May workshop we will be doing our costume contest and practicing for showmanship.  Start planning your costume for your bird now as several items are available during the Easter season! 


Shawna Oostema: 406-580-7819, fcclashawna@hotmail.com       

Judy Brownell: onebar4@aol.com 

Leah MacDonald: lmk80@live.com 

Judy Neiminen: 406-599-0639; lneiminen@gmail.com 



Hello all! Welcome to April. With April comes 2 meeting opportunities. The first is April 8th at the red sale pavilion at the fairgrounds. This will be our spring rabbit show we call the Rabbit Rendezvous. The breed show will start at 9am. Check in will be at 8am until the start of the show. Entries will cost $2 per animal. We will follow the breed show with showmanship and rabbit racing and jumping. This show is a great opportunity to see what fair will be like. 


Our second opportunity is our monthly meeting on April 20th. This will also take place in the red sale pavilion at the fairgrounds. 


We are still looking for committee members to help the 3 of us run the project for these kids. If you are willing, we would love to have you join us. Reach out to one of the committee members with any questions you may have. 

Cody 406-209-4183 

Amy 406-209-2720 

Monica 406-399-1866 


Please make sure to sign the livestock contract for the rabbit project. This is required of ALL 4-H rabbit members.


Sign Contract Here: https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=4697684b-6ff5-417b-af3c-e1d3e986b08b&env=na3&acct=960f6090-f7cb-40a6-adf5-0490f456d6eb&v=2


I am looking forward to seeing you all on the 20th! Please reach out with any questions you may have between now and then. 


The next Sewing Project meeting will be on Monday, April 10th from 4pm-6pm at 2107 Lea Ave, Bozeman.


Upcoming Sewing meetings will be held:

May 8 4-6pm

June 12 4-6pm


Hope to see you there!


Questions? Contact leader Laura with RevivALL Clothing at revivallclothing@gmail.com



Next workshops:


April 20th 6pm-8pm - Tour of MSU Red Bluff Research Ranch. We will meet the ranch manager, learn how the sheep facility is run and hopefully watch some ewes lamb! The ranch is located on Badley Creed Rd. off of Hwy 84 in Norris, MT. We will meet at the shop 1/4 mile up the road. 


May 7th 4pm - 5pm - MANDATORY Tagging and Weigh-in! Mandatory, exceptions will not be made! We will be at the wash rack at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds. **This does not count as a workshop. Members do not need to be present, but ALL lambs must be there. Also please remember that contracts MUST be submitted by the tagging date for you to be eligible to show at Fair. (see contact link below)


If you are planning to sell an animal at the county fair this summer, please review and sign the 2022-2023 Gallatin County Market Livestock Contract.  This contract explains the workshop requirements, animal possession deadlines, expectations and other important information. This contract is due by the May 7th Sheep Tagging date.

Sign Contract Here: https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=4697684b-6ff5-417b-af3c-e1d3e986b08b&env=na3&acct=960f6090-f7cb-40a6-adf5-0490f456d6eb&v=2


May 10th 6:30pm - Ultrasound techology/carcass grading All-Species workshop at the GranTree Inn (Bozeman)


May 23rd 6:30pm - Showmanship workshop - BRING YOUR LAMBS! We will have a presentation by senior members to learn what to expect in the show ring, strategies and approaches to successfully show your lamb! We will be at the Fairgrounds Indoor Arena.


June 6th 6:30pm - Slick Shearing Workshop. Do NOT bring your lambs! Senior members will demonstrate how to slick hear your lambs in preparation for the show ring. We will be at the Swan Farm (1240 Yadon Road, Manhattan)


June Date TBD - Rough Shear. Shearing will take place at the Fairgrounds wash rack. There is a charge associated with this shearing. **Rough shear does not count as a workshop. 


Committee members:

Ruth Carr -kennellr@gmail.com (406) 539-4337

Kim Flikkema- kimflikkema@gmail.com (406) 599-1486

Jodilynn Kelley- jkelley@bridgerorthopedic.com (512) 663-5569



The 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships will be held in Grand Island, Nebraska, June 25 – 29, 2023.  To be eligible to attend the 4-H Shooting Sports National Championships, participants must have passed their 14th birthday by January 1, 2022 of the current year and may not have passed their 19th birthday before January 1 of the current year in which the championships are held.


Note: 4-H Participants must be enrolled in High School or lower at the time of the event. This is a directive from the Montana State 4-H Council to insure liability coverage.

The State Shoot is the qualifying event for the National Championships for the following disciplines: Sporter Air Rifle, Air Pistol, Smallbore Rifle, and Smallbore Pistol.  The top four finishers in the Smallbore Pistol, Smallbore Rifle, and Air Pistol – International Standing will be invited to represent the State of Montana. For Sporter Air Rifle, the top four competitors with the combined scores in the Sporter 3P and Sporter Standing will be invited to attend.


There are three more qualifying events scheduled for the Spring of 2023.  The information for each qualifier is attached.  The events are as follows:

Archery Practicum and Qualifier – Sunday, April 2, 2023 and Sunday, May 7, 2023 at the Park County Rod and Gun Club in Livingston.

Shotgun Qualifier – Saturday, April 22, 2023 at Manhattan Wildlife Association at Logan.

Muzzle-loader Qualifier – Sunday, April 23, 2023 at the Park County Rod and Gun Club in Livingston.

Shooting Sports Leader Training:

The next training will be at Logan on April 21 & 22, 2023. The disciplines offered are Western Heritage, Shotgun, and Muzzle-loader. If interested, contact Scott Francis or the office. 


Questions? Contact the following leaders:


Shotgun– Scott Francis – 581-6845

*Members must be 10 years old as of Oct. 1st to participate.

Shotgun - Manhattan Wildlife Association - Logan - Sundays

Date                                     Program                            Time


4/2/2023                        Trap Shooting                      1:00-3:00

4/9/2023                     No Shooting - Easter              1:00-3:00

4/16/2023                       Trap Shooting                     1:00-3:00

4/23/2023                       Trap Shooting                     1:00-3:00


Skeet & Sporting Clays TBD



Muzzle-loading – Bill Ott – 209-2599, Scott Francis – 581-6845

*Members must be 12 years old as of Oct. 1st to participate.

Muzzle-Loading and Hunting Project Schedule - TBD


Western Heritage – Todd Kesner – 451-1207

*Members must be 9 years old as of Oct. 1st to participate.

Our indoor meetings are at the Gallatin County Extension Office on the Fairgrounds at 6:30 p.m. on March 28th and April 11th.  **Please bring your 4-H Western Heritage Youth Activity Guide and your 4-H record book.  Meetings usually last an hour or hour and a half.  As the weather improves, we will meet at the gun range near Logan on Mondays.  Outdoor meeting dates are as follows:

Monday – April 17, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30

Monday – May 1, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30

Monday – May 15, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30

Monday – May 22, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30

Monday – June 5, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30

Monday – June 12, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30

Monday – June 19, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30

Monday – June 26, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30

Monday – July 10, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30

Monday – July 17, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30


There is also a training to become a volunteer 4-H Western Heritage project leader on Friday evening, April 21, 2023, and Saturday, April 22, 2023.



April is a busy Month in the Swine Project in addition to the excitement of getting ready for their pigs and bringing them home!


Please check you emails for more details on these upcoming events and milestones for the project.


4/15 Pig Pool Reminder & Sr-Level Help Needed https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4DABAB29A5F9C52-pigpool1


4/19 Tagging Deadline – use this Google Form to enter your tagging photos prior to this deadline (one form per pig, not member) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc9245XEjSVs_CWIHwd_sb5ulqOD4kmZCe-I5grm07WDxsYzA/viewform


4/19 Contracts Deadline – Market Livestock Contract AND the Swine Contract. The email with have further instructions on how to tell if you have signed the contracts.


4/19 Jr Meats Workshop @ Daniels Meats beginning at 6:30PM – Junior-level topics, meant for first/second year members. You must sign your member up because there is limited space in their facility https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0c4dabab29a5f9c52-daniels1#/


4/22 AQA – 2nd Session (required for first year market members & first year Sr-members 14 on 10/1/22) check your emails to see if your member is due.


4/29 Swine Industry Meeting in Great Falls that can be substituted for a workshop and/or Workbook Activities if you are a Sr Member. Check your emails for more information.


Last call for Senior Mentors AND first-year Swine Member that wanting a mentor! (check email sent 2/20 à 📢 Attention 1st or 2nd year swine families : would you have interest in being paired with a Senior-Level Swine Member as a Mentor for your member(s)?:)


Don’t forget to sign up for our Swine Project Parent & Member Remind text group for project-related correspondence https://www.remind.com/join/fh2693. They're short and sweet messages/reminders but you must opt-in, we will not add you and can choose to opt-out at a later date if needed.


If you are not receiving the email updates, please send a quick note to gallatinswineproject@gmail.com to ensure you’re on the list.


Thank you,

-Swine Committee



Questions? Reach out to Monika Johnson 406-579-3211



The Weed Science project is designed to teach members a basic understanding of invasive plants, causes of their invasion, economic and environmental impact of weeds, weed identification, and rangeland monitoring.


Our next meeting will be Monday, April 10th, at 6:00 pm at the same location. See you there!


Questions? Contact Kevin McPhee at kevin.mcphee@montana.edu

Join our BAND app group: Gallatin County 4-H
Never miss important updates from the Gallatin County 4-H Office! 
Download the BAND app today and search "Gallatin County 4-H" subscribe to join our group. Meetings, fundraisers and deadlines can all be found here! 
You must opt-in, we will not add you and can choose to opt-out at a later date if needed. 
Molly Yurdana, 4-H Extension Agent  molly.yurdana@montana.edu
Colyn Wiening, 4-H Assistant gallatin4h@montana.edu
Kari Ballenger, Extension Administrative Assistant gallatin@montana.edu

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cody Stone, Director of Extension, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717. 
To request disability accommodation or to inform us of special needs, please contact the Extension Office at 406-582-3280  five (5) working days before the event.


Molly Yurdana
Gallatin County MSU Extension
4-H Youth Development Agent

(406) 582-3284 | molly.yurdana@montana.edu | http://gallatin.msuextension.org/                                                                                                                                                 back to top

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Gallatin County MSU Extension | 903 North Black Ave | Bozeman, MT 59715

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