2022 Gallatin County 4-H Annual Report
We are excited to share our 2022 Annual Report for Gallatin County 4-H! The report is linked to our website here: 2022 Annual 4-H Report (montana.edu)
Huge shoutout to 4-H Assistant, Colyn Wiening, for her outstanding work preparing this document!
2023 Citizenship Seminar and Legislative Breakfast
Molly, Nicole, Bonnie
4-H members with Senators/Representatives
Bonnie and Nicole at the Capitol
Committees for mock bill writing
The original Governor's Mansion
Gallatin 4-H members, Nicole Berger and Bonnie Radke, recently attended the 2023 Montana 4-H Citizenship Seminar and Biennial 4-H Legislative Breakfast in Helena. Nicole and Bonnie both submitted recaps of their experiences to encourage other youth to participate in these events in future years! Read their submissions below: 


"My name is Nicole Berger and I just participated in the Citizenship Seminar and Legislative Breakfast in Helena. This was an amazing experience for me and I highly recommend others to participate when it is held again in January of 2025. It was a very busy but fun filled three days. We got to take a step into the real world of government by writing and presenting our own bills to a mock legislature made up of other 4-H members from around Montana. My bill was about creating a universal preschool system in Montana. I presented my bill to a committee made up of others with bills concerning education. Then later that day I was lucky enough to participate in an incredibly unique community service project which was to assemble and present bikes to young children who are in need. This was a great way to step into our community and impact it first hand. By having the opportunity to present the bikes to the kids we got to see their reactions and that made a huge difference to how we all viewed the project. The last day was the Legislative Breakfast. Even though it was a very early morning, it was such a blast! I was placed at a table with Senator Shelley Vance, Representative Jane Gillette, Senator Walt Sales and his wife, LaRae Sales. They were all very nice and supportive of 4-H and our 4-H stories. We ate a delicious breakfast with them and then they had to report back to the capital and we had to move onto our tours for the day. We first went to the Supreme Court building and spoke with Justice Jim Rice and he told us about the Supreme Court. Next we walked to the capitol building and talked with Governor Greg Gianforte and the Secretary of State, Christi Jacobsen. We took a quick tour of the capitol  and then we got a private tour of the original Governor's Mansion. With that we were on our way back home. It was a very busy few days but I learned so much and met so many amazing new people. I want to thank Molly for taking the time to be our chaperone! I definitely recommend everyone try this out in 2025." - Nicole Berger (Gallatin 4-H teen member)


"At Citizenship Seminar I learned quite a lot about how to write a bill and the process of turning them into law. I also learned about different legislative processes and how they work. I had a lot of fun with the different activities including committee meetings, tours, and speakers that we participated in. The service learning project that we did for Martin Luther King day was fun and rewarding to see the results. Getting to meet and listen to the Governor and Secretary of State was very insightful to know how different government officials feel and what they do on a day to day basis. Legislative breakfast was a really fun experience for getting to meet different senators and representatives from my own district areas and getting to tell them about my 4-H experience as well as hearing about some of their relationships with 4-H. This whole event was lots of fun and I greatly recommend it for all 4-Hers." - Bonnie Radke (Gallatin 4-H Ambassador)

2022-2023 4-H Year Enrollment CLOSES March 1st
ONE MONTH LEFT until the Gallatin County 4-H enrollment window closes. Gallatin 4-H enrollment opened back on Oct. 1, 2022 and will close on March 1st, 2023. To participate in club and project meetings members need to be enrolled and be paid/active status by this deadline. Enroll and/or add projects on ZSuite https://4h.zsuite.org/
We are excited to announce that we have a new leader that will be offering a new project this spring: 
Sewing Project
The Sewing Project will explore sewing and textiles through various projects. Members will learn how to use sewing tools, fitting, and designing. If you are interested in this project, please enroll through your Zsuite profile ASAP!!
The introductory meeting will be on Monday, February 13th from 5:30pm-6:30pm at 2107 Lea Ave, Bozeman.


The project will meet once a month after the intial introductory meeting - most meetings will be workshop-style. The meetings/workshops will probably be 1.5-2 hours long so members can really work on their projects. Meetings will be held at the RevivALL Clothing Studio located at 2107 Lea Ave, Bozeman.


Questions? Contact new leader Laura with RevivALL Clothing at revivallclothing@gmail.com

It's Scholarship Season Seniors!
Scholarship applications and details can be found on our website here: 4-H Scholarships - Gallatin County Extension | Montana State University
Upcoming Scholarship Deadline Reminders:
  • Montana 4-H Scholarships: Due by February 14, 2023
  • Gallatin County Scholarships: Due by April 1, 2023
  • Kay Jensen 4-H Memorial Scholarship: Due by May 1, 2023
  • Gallatin Cattlewomen Scholarship: Due February 15, 2023

Montana 4-H Volunteer Institute 


The Montana 4-H Volunteer Institute provides volunteers with the opportunity to connect with other 4-H volunteers from across Montana while learning new skills. Attend workshops taught by volunteers and MSU Extension faculty and staff to take new ideas back to 4-H programs in your county. The volunteer Institute is open to only adult volunteers. 


Montana 4-H Volunteer Institute Details:

  • The Institute will be in Billings, MT February 17-19, 2023 and registration is $75. Volunteers can register on their ZSuite dashboard when logged in HERE: https://4h.zsuite.org/event-registrations/16964. You will be required to choose workshops during registration (descriptions attached). 
  • To book a hotel room at the DoubleTree Hilton Hotel (N 27th St. Billings, MT) use this booking link: Hotel Room Block Link and book under the “4-H Room Block.” Rates are $104/night for a Double Queen Room (2 nights: Friday night and Saturday night).
  • **Financial Support: ULC has some financial assistance available for volunteers attending this event to help with the costs of registration and hotel. Please register first through ZSuite and then fill out this form and email it back to gallatin4h@montana.edu as soon as possible. ULC will determine and approve funding amounts per volunteer with consideration on how many volunteers attend.

We encourage volunteers of all types (project leaders, club leaders, general volunteers) to attend for a great weekend of networking, learning and recognizing the efforts and impacts volunteers make in the Montana 4-H program. If you have any questions, please contact us at the office!


Agena, Session Descriptions and more information here:




Montana 4-H Rec Lab


Montana 4-H is hosting Rec Lab March 17-19, 2023 in Culbertson, MT.

Rec Lab is open to 4-H members age 13 and up (age as of Oct. 1 2022)


Not sure what Rec Lab is? Rec Lab stands for Recreation Lab and means that everything is hands-on and fun! This event is a 4-H member favorite and provides an opportunity for youth and adults to enhance their leadership, communication and team building skills in an action packed and interactive setting. Rec Lab is designed to provide participants with tips and tricks for being a better club, camp and community leader.


Registration is NOW OPEN through the ZSuite Events tab.

Register BEFORE February 22nd to take advantage of their Early Bird registration cost of $100. 



During registration, participants will be asked to indicate their workshop choice. Many of the workshops have a limited number of participants and will be filled on a first come, first-serve basis.  The workshops they choose during registration are the workshops they will go to at the event and can review these on the website here. https://www.montana.edu/extension/4h/programs/events/rec_lab/rec_lab_workshop_description.html 


Funding Assistance:

ULC has funding available to help support member registration costs. Fill out this form FundingRequestForm.pdf (montana.edu) and return to Molly ASAP to get it on the ULC meeting agenda. 

Springtime marks the start of our County Event season! We have THREE upcoming County Events. Youth members are highly encouraged to participate, but not required. Official flyers and specific details will be emailed out and advertised later in February & March. 
**Demo Day Info Night:
When: Wednesday, March 8th at 6pm
Where: Gallatin Extension Office
What:  Want to learn more about the upcoming County Events and what they entail? Join us for our Demo Day Info Night where Leaders and teen 4-Hers will provide information and hands-on demonstrations on each of these specific contests to help answer any questions you or your youth may have. 
Stir Ups Cooking Contest:
When: Saturday, April 15th, 2023 (morning)
Where: Herrick Hall, Room #120, MSU Campus 
What: Stir Ups is an opportunity for 4-H youth members to prepare an appealing, nutritious meal using food safe techniques and present their dish to a panel of judges for tasting. Why participate? Members become more confident, practice food preparation skills, and discover where they can improve. Contest winners that are 14+ can earn money towards a trip to Montana State 4-H Congress.
Participants compete by age division: Ages 8-10 (Junior Division), Ages 11-13 (Intermediate Division), and Ages 14+ (Senior Division). Cloverbuds (ages 5-7) are not permitted to participate in this contest due to safety concerns. 
Baking Contest: (name TBD) **NEW CONTEST
When: Saturday, April 15th, 2023 (afternoon)
Where: Herrick Hall, Room #120, MSU Campus 
What: The Baking Contest is a NEW opportunity for 4-H youth members to prepare an appealing, scrumpious baked good using food safe techniques and present their dish to a panel of judges for tasting. Why participate? Members become more confident, practice food preparation skills, and discover where they can improve their baking. Contest winners that are 14+ can earn money towards a trip to Montana State 4-H Congress.
Participants compete by age division: Ages 8-10 (Junior Division), Ages 11-13 (Intermediate Division), and Ages 14+ (Senior Division). Cloverbuds (ages 5-7) are not permitted to participate in this contest due to safety concerns. 
Communication Day:
When: Saturday, April 29th, 2023 
Where: Animal Bioscience Building, MSU Campus
What: Communication Day is an opportunity for 4-H youth members (ages 5-18) to present a topic of their choice to a panel of adult judges. Contest winners that are 14+ can earn money towards a trip to Montana State 4-H Congress. Why participate? The experience 4-H youth members receive from this event is tremendous. They become more confident, learn communication skills, and discover where they can improve.


Participants compete by age division and within categories. Ages 5-7 (Cloverbud Division), Ages 8-10 (Junior Division), Ages 11-13 (Intermediate Division), and Ages 14+ (Senior Division).


Communication Day Contest Categories:

- Demonstration or Illustrated Talk (Individual or Team)

- Speech (Prepared or Impromptu)

- Career Communication (Mock Job Interview)

- Video (Individual or Team)

- Promotional Package (Ind. or Team)

- Commercial (Ind. or Team)

UPDATE: Gallatin County 4-H Amazon Smile
Thank you to all of those who supported our AmazonSmile endeavors. However, Amazon has decided to shut down their AmazonSmile services as of February 1st.
We will not be using this funding source any longer.
EVENTS                                                                back to top 


FEBRUARY 3  Volunteer Institute Registration CLOSES




FEBRUARY 14  Montana 4-H Foundation State Scholarships DUE


FEBRUARY 15  Livestock Committee Meeting & Fairbook Edits DUE


FEBRUARY 17-19  Montana 4-H Volunteer Institute (Billings)




FEBRUARY 22  Rec Lab Early-Bird Registration ENDS ($100 now vs. $150 after the 22nd)


FEBRUARY 23  Newsletter Blurbs DUE




MARCH 3-5 Montana 4-H State Shooting Sports Competition


MARCH 8 County Event Demo Day Info Night (details in post above)


MARCH 17-19 Montana 4-H Rec Lab (details in post above)



See February Committee, Club and Project updates in sections below.



The 4-H Year at a Glance - Full 2022-2023 4-H Yearly Calendar HERE

COMMITTEES                                                      back to top
ULC (Unlimited Leaders Council)


ULC meets the first Tuesday of every month, with our next meeting on February 7th at 6pm at the Extension Office.


The ULC was joined by members of the 4-H Foundation for an annual update before each committee moved on to their respective business meetings.


At the January meeting, Gallatin County’s 4-H theme, “Rooted in 4-H” was announced. Two financial requests from members to attend the Citizenship Seminar in Helena were approved. Updates for Communications Day, Stir-Ups, and the Awards day were discussed. The committee discussed enrollment and anticipated growth. We reviewed a preliminary version of the Annual Report and approved the budget report. 


The ULC is still seeking a Vice President as well as new members to complete our roster. 


Happy New Year! - Submitted by Tamara Knappenberger


Current Committee: Shelly McPhee, Aaron Pruitt, Kelly Pavlik, Patrick Marble, Toni Berger, Tamara Knappenberger, Stephanie Lively, Monika Johnson, Jessie Sheperd and Molly Yurdana. Youth Members: Kaitlyn Scott, Erica Hastings and Nicole Berger. 


If you are planning to sell an animal at the county fair this summer, please review and sign the 2022-2023 Gallatin County Market Livestock Contract. This contract explains the workshop requirements, animal possession deadlines, expectations and other important information. This is in addition to any other specific animal contracts that your project leaders may give you.


You can use the link below to digitally fill out and sign the contract. After both the youth, parent/guardian, and the 4-H Agent signs the contract, you will be emailed a completed form to keep for your records. The 4-H Office will pass along to the contracts to the appropriate species leaders. This contract is due by the possession date for your species.


Sign Contract Here: https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=4697684b-6ff5-417b-af3c-e1d3e986b08b&env=na3&acct=960f6090-f7cb-40a6-adf5-0490f456d6eb&v=2

Please note: The Poultry and Swine projects have additional contracts that are supplementary to the Market Contract. 
All other information will be in the Fairbook, which is usually published in March each year.
The next MLC meeting is February 15th at 6pm at the Extension Office.
The next Gallatin 4-H Foundation meeting  will be held April 27th at the Extension Office @ 6pm. This committee fundraises for higher education scholarships and new clubs and projects. 
CLUBS                                                            back to top
Bozeman Area Clubs

Dag Nabids Club


Contact leaders for meeting dates, times and locations.


The Dag Nabids had their 3rd 4-H club meeting on Monday, December 5th at 4pm in Brookdale Spring Meadows Retirement Home. We sang Christmas carols in front of about 20 old folks who sang along with us all. The roads there were treacherous but we made it. We gave them new hand-made ornaments and candy canes. It was one of my favorite times in my entire life and I am sure it was for everyone else, they all thought it was so cute.


The next 2 meetings will be educational (STEM) field trips. We are still waiting on final confirmation for day, time, and location. Tentative date for January is 1/23, from 5:00-6:30.

- Submitted by Luca Zello


Questions, please call or text:

Belinda Nash 406-570-5585 or

Monika Johnson 406-579-3211


DLE Club


Developing Leadership Excellence is one of the Teen Leadership projects and clubs for Gallatin County. This project and club is open to members 13 and up.


Please watch your email and Band for more information.


If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee - ksmcphee0315@gmail.com (email), 

gallatindle@gmail.com (email), or 406-595-4774 (text).


Gallatin Gallopers Club


Contact leader for meeting dates, times and locations.


Our club is based on the Horseless Horse project, but anyone interested in horses is welcome to join. 


If you have questions, contact Cynthia Brewer at 406-539-3806 or cynthiab610@gmail.com.

Hyalite Hawks Club


Contact leader for meeting dates, times and locations.


For any questions, please contact

Jen Wold: jenmariewold@hotmail.com



Four Corners/Gallatin Gateway Area Clubs
Gateway Challengers Club


Meetings take place the second Monday of each month at the Gallatin Gateway Community Center from 6:30- 8:00 p.m.


For the meeting on January 9th our group went over fundraising and how we would use the money we collect for promoting our club. Lydia and Maddie black provided examples of demonstrations for any new club members. And a delicious lasagna dinner and cream cheese pie was made and served by Cristy Doyle and Heidi Maus. - Submitted by Nolan Samson


For any questions, please contact

Jessica Black



Belgrade Area Clubs
Belgrade Pioneers Club
Meetings take place on the first Thursday of each month at 6:00pm at WB Ranch in Belgrade.
The Belgrade Pioneers met on Thursday, January 5th, at the WB Ranch Arena for our January meeting. Our theme for dinner was Chinese food, and we had a short business meeting. Our activity was Parliamentary Procedure and we made trail mix. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, February 2nd, at 6 pm, at the WB Ranch Arena.

Do you want more information? Please contact Shelly McPhee at ksmcphee@charter.com or 406-595-4774.


Pass Creek Club


Meetings take place on the first Sunday of each month at 4:00pm at Springhill Church.


For any questions, please contact Cassie Smieja: smiejahay@latmt.com


Saddle Mountain Club


Contact leader for meeting dates, times and locations.


No meeting in February do to schedule conflicts. Next meeting will be March 5th at 4pm at Rocky Mountain supply office. We will elect officers and vote on by laws. 


For any questions, please contact

Jess Woodring:



Saddle Stars Club


Club meetings take place the second Monday of each month, at 6:00 pm at the Bridge Church in Belgrade. 


On January 9th the Saddle Stars 4-H club held a club meeting. Members gave reports on recent horse committee and project clinics. Almost most all the club officers and a couple of members were able to attend the officer training on January 7. After the officer training, club officers met for a strategic planning meeting to set new goals and tasks for the club for the new year.  We decided that we would make completing Achievement Journals a goal for every member of the club and set aside 15 minutes during each club meeting to work on Achievement Journals, record books, and project books. We also formed two committees, a fundraising committee and a communications committee led by an officer and filled by other members of the club. 


We discussed working Concessions as a club, selling our remainder calendars, and decided on repeating a sleepover for our end-of-year club gathering. 


Our next meeting is February 13, our monthly meeting. Please bring all artwork ideas for the t-shirt design. Guest speaker Janice Cartwright from the Back Country Horsemen. 


The next club ride will be February 26, 1 – 3pm at the fairgrounds Indoor Arena with guest instructor Janice Cartwright on backcountry safety and clear communication between horse and rider. This club ride is open to any member of the horse project for $10. Please email saddlestars4h@gmail.com to sign-up.


Contact our club leader, Tamara Knappenberger for more information.

Email: Saddlestars4h@gmail.com 

Facebook: @SaddleStars4H

Website: https://saddlestars4hclub.webs.com

Tamara: tkknappenberger@yahoo.com   (307) 214-8336 

Shining Mountaineers Club


Meetings take place on the first Monday of each month from 6:00-8:00pm at the River Rock Nazarene Church. 


On January 9th we held our monthly club meeting at the Church of Nazarene in Belgrade. On Saturday January 21 we met at the Dino Park sledding hill for sledding. Our next meeting is February 6th at 6:00 pm. - Submitted by Peyton Wiening


For any questions, please contact leader Patrick Marble at 406-570-5897 

Manhattan Area Clubs

Dry Creek Teens Club

This club is designed for members ages 12 & older as of Oct. 1st. 


Meetings take place on the first Monday of each month at 6:30pm at the Bridge Church in Manhattan.


Our next meeting will be January 2nd.


If you have questions, please contact Kelly Pavlik 406-600-1016 or via email kelly.pavlik@barnard-inc.com

Gallatin Valley Livestock Club


Contact leader for meeting dates, times and locations.


For any questions, please contact Jen Scott: gr8jenscott@gmail.com 



Manhattan Clever Clovers Club

This club is for members ages 8-11 as of Oct. 1st. We do not specialize in any projects but introduce the members to record keeping, demonstrations/ public speaking, parliamentary procedure and pick fun topics to learn about each month.


Meetings take place on the second Monday of each month at 6:30pm at the Bridge Church in Manhattan.


Our next meeting will be January 9th.


If you have questions, please contact Kelly Pavlik 406-600-1016 or via email kelly.pavlik@barnard-inc.com


If your member is 7th grade and older and they’ve been in 4-H previously, we encourage them to join the Dry Creek 4-H Club but please inquire if you are unsure what would be best for your member.


We are also seeking an Adult Volunteer to serve as a co-leader to help organize/carry out for this upcoming 4-H year.

Manhattan Livestock Club


Contact leader for meeting dates, times and locations.


For any questions, please contact Melanie Duffin: rmduffin3@gmail.com


Three Forks Area Clubs
Clarkston Mustangs Club


Contact leader for meeting dates, times and locations. 


For any questions, please contact Cassandra Mitchell:




Willow Creek Wranglers Club


Meetings take place on the second Monday or Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm at Three Forks School.


During The Willow Creek Wrangler's meeting on January, 10th, Samantha Ferrat from MFU (Montana Farmers Union) joined us. She was in 4-H as a kid and still loves to educate 4-Hers. She now is an advocate for 4-H through MFU. She offered a $100 prize to each club that would write a sentence to let MFU know how they would use the money. Our next meeting for the Willow Creek Wranglers will be held in the Elementary Library at Three Forks School, on February the 7th at 6:30 PM.

See you there. - Submitted by Cassie Schmitt (Reporter)


For any questions, please contact Katy Hansen at 570-9996 or Sam Cavin at 599-8288.

Member At Large

New to 4-H? Not sure what club fits your style? Register for your projects under

“Member at Large” when completing your 4-H Enrollment Clubs page on ZSuite.


Participating in a specific 4-H club is not a requirement to participate in 4-H projects, but clubs provide members a great opportunity to get more involved with their communities, leaders, and group activities.


We encourage members to join one of our clubs listed above!

PROJECTS                                                    back to top
2022-2023 4-H Projects
(listed alphabetically)

Are you 13 years old or older?  Do you want to help younger members in the County?  Do you like to plan and put on events and attend retreats?   Do you want to be a Gallatin County Ambassador for the 2022 - 2023 4-H year? 


If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee at ksmcphee0315@gmail.com or 406.595.4774.



We had a great January meeting where we made Breakfast for Dinner!  The MSU Baking Project will meet on February 20th at 6:00.  February will find us making Sweets, Treats, and Yeast!  We will meet at the MSU Food Lab, Herrick Hall Room #120, located on S. 7th Avenue. Please be watching for the Signup Genius so that we know how many supplies to bring!


I am looking forward to baking with you all!


MSU Baking Dates:

February 20

March 20

April 17

May 8


If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee - ksmcphee0315@gmail.com (email)  or 406-595-4774 (text).  




February 25th @10am: February Workshop at MSU Meat Science Lab! 



April 16th, 2023- Mandatory weigh-in and demonstration of control. This is where you have to demonstrate full control of your steer in order to attend fair.  


You will be required to attend at least 3 workshops, but encouraged to attend as many as possible.  We try to host an educational workshop once a month until fair. We vary the days and times to try to accommodate everyone’s busy schedule. PLEASE put those above dates on your calendar! 


Please feel free to call any of the leaders any time with questions:


Beef Committee:

Annabel Morgan 406-580-9003

Seth Halverson 406-209-1178

Melanie Duffin 406-209-1978

Craig DeBoer



Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each month at the Gallatin County Extension Office at 6pm. 


Email Ginny Francis ginnyfrancis@yahoo.com or Kelley gklerwick@gmail.com for further details and location details.


Mark your calendars!  2023 4-H Summer Camp will be held July 30th (Campers)/July 29th (Counselors) - August 2nd, 2023, at the Yellowstone Youth Alliance!  


The camp project had a meeting on January 18th to begin planning and determining workshops for the coming camp season.  We had snacks and played games. Our next meeting will be Sunday, February 5th, from 3:00 - 5:00 at the Gallatin County Extension Offic.

Due to limited availability and limited space, we have camp meeting dates nailed down for the next couple of months. Here they are:


Date                  Time                   Location

February 5        3:00 - 5:00        Extension Office

March 27          6:30 - 8:30          Extension Office

April 24 or 25    6:30 - 8:30          Extension Office          Poll will come out in Band.

May  TBD                                                                         Poll will come out in Band.

June 17             10:00 - 6:00       Extension Office           Workshop Run Through


Please take a minute to jot these on your calendar.  We look forward to seeing you!


As we begin to work on your binders, please let us know if you would not like your contact information on the Counselor Contact List.


**Finally, we are working on a First Aid/CPR training.  More information to come on that. 


If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee - ksmcphee0315@gmail.com (email),  gallatincamp@gmail.com (email), or 406-595-4774 (text).


The Cloverbud program is designed for youth ages 5-7 (age as of Oct. 1) and strives to develop age-appropriate skills and abilities by giving these young members the opportunity to explore various topics and activities in 4-H before becoming a regular youth member.


Cloverbud Project will meet on the second Wednesday of the month (Dec-June) at the fairgrounds from 5:30-7pm. Our Cloverbud meetings have been a ton of fun so far! In December we learned all about 4-H and in January we cooked and baked up a storm. See you in February!


Watch for an email a few days before for building number, supplies to bring ect.

If you have questions please email Erin Neil at ehagmeier@gmail.com.


Last month we had so much fun learning how to make cheese stuffed ravioli from scratch with a simple marinara sauce from just a can of tomatoes. Those are skills!  


Our next meeting is scheduled for February 14th (Valentine's Day), 6 - 8:30 pm, at the MSU food lab, room #120 in Herrick Hall, located on S. 7th Avenue off of W. Cleveland.  If you aren't familiar with the MSU campus and need details on how to get there, then call or text me and I can explain in detail.  You will receive a Signup Genius email before the meeting to sign up.  Please RSVP so that we can plan accordingly.  Hope to see you all there!


Call, text, or email Stephanie Lively with any questions.





Thank you to all of the 4-H dairy cow project members for attending our January workshop.  We are looking forward to a fun year!  Our next workshop will be on February 13, 2023 from 6:30 to 8:00pm at the 4-H Office.  Any questions please contact one of the project leaders. Looking forward to seeing you in February.


- Project leaders Shawna Oostema (406) 580-7819 or Cassie Smieja (406) 539-3833.



Dog Obedience: Shawnna Taylor will be the new Dog Obedience project leader this year! Meetings will be held at Murray Kennels, 25 Dollar Dr, Belgrade, MT 59714. Cloverbuds (ages 5-8) are welcome.


Our first project meeting will be held at Montana Murray Kennels on March 29th at 4:30pm. This is a MANDATORY MEETING! Do not bring your dogs with you!! DO bring a copy of a current Rabies certificate. 


If you have any questions, comments or concerns please reach out to me.

Shawnna 406-599-0869




Dog Agility: Jen Osler will remain the leader for the Dog Agility project this year. Meetings will be held at Murray Kennels, 25 Dollar Dr, Belgrade, MT 59714. Project meetings/classes will not begin until the end of March or early April - so there won't be any new information until the March newsletter. However, if anyone has questions between now and then please contact Jen at facility@montanamurraykennels.com 

Hey everyone, our next workshop will be February 21st at the Extension Office at 6:30pm. We'll be having a guest speaker on feed. Hope to see everyone there


If you are planning to sell an animal at the county fair this summer, please review and sign the 2022-2023 Gallatin County Market Livestock Contract. This contract explains the workshop requirements, animal possession deadlines, expectations and other important information.This contract is due by the possession date, May 7th, for the Goat Project.

Sign Contract Here: https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=4697684b-6ff5-417b-af3c-e1d3e986b08b&env=na3&acct=960f6090-f7cb-40a6-adf5-0490f456d6eb&v=2



Amy Brownell (406) 209-2720 

Gena Johnson (406) 599-5920

Aimee Henry (406) 548-1031

Questions? Contact a member of the Dairy Goat Committee:

Leah' Macdonald 406-220-3556 

Gena Johnson 406-599-5920




The Horse Project is in full swing! We have lots of new members, new clinicians, and clinics several times per month so please get involved!    

Due to the large attendance at clinics, we have had to adjust dates, times, and locations of several clinics and have also added Working Ranch Horse clinics to the Calendar.  So please check the revised calendar below, and be sure to sign up via the sign up genius so you can be informed of any last minute changes and adjustments in time! Also, please bring your record book to every clinic, as leaders are trying to incorporate time on record books into clinics 


Coggins testing and Vaccinations Required 

Many of the arenas we will be using this spring have Coggins and Vaccination requirements, including our March 4 horsemanship clinic.  In order for this not to be a burden to members,   coggins testing will be available to all horse project members during the February 25 WRH clinic at the incredibly low rate of $15 per horse,  thanks to the incredible generosity of Headwaters Veterinary and Dr. Tracy Schmitt. We strongly encourage all members to take advantage of this opportunity. The clinic will be held at the Fairgrounds from 11-3, and Dr. Schmitt will be available to pull coggins throughout.  


Call Jessie Sheperd for more information!

Jessie Sheperd- Twister Coach 352-304-1648  jlsheperd@gmail.com


Greetings knitters and crocheters!


We will be meeting at Cafe M in Belgrade, 9:30 - 11:15am on the first and third Saturday of each month. 


- Jeanette and Phyllis


This project and club is open to members 13 and up. Developing Leadership Excellence is one of the Teen Leadership projects and clubs for Gallatin County. 


Please watch your email and Band for more information.


If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee at ksmcphee@charter.net or 406-595-4774.


We are going to split the group having half the group meet on the second Thursday of the month, and the second group meet on the fourth Thursday of the month. The project meetings, regardless of age, are going to be covering the same material since there hasn’t been a project leader in the county for several years. 

  • 11 or younger for this 4-H year, your meeting will be second Thursday of every month.  This group will also include the Juliano and Barr family
  • 12+ for this 4-H year your meeting will be held on the 4th Thursday of the month.  This group will also include the Meissner Family

Meetings are at 6 pm at the River Rock Church of the Nazarene, near the River Rock Pond. 


**Mark your calendars! We have a special project workshop scheduled for Saturday, April 1st at the Extension office from 9am-12pm. Members will be making coasters! Cost is $5 per member to cover the materials. Email Merrita with any questions and to pay. 


Questions? Contact leader Merrita Marble at marble@bresnan.net or 406-388-2055

Call Kris with Questions: 406-539-3760.  Make sure to add kmbrewcrew@gmail.com to your safe-list to recieve the email updates.


Thank you to each of the market poultry members for attending our required January market project workshop.  We are looking forward to seeing the project animals grow over the year.  Next up is our February workshop which will discuss incubation and caring for chicks, selection and housing.  The February workshop will be held on February 9, 2023 from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at the Fairgrounds Exhibit Building 3.  This workshop is for all members to attend!  


Please also remember that the poultry contracts are now available and due back to Shawna (regular contract) and the 4-H office (market only contract) by March 15, 2023.  Any questions please contact one of the 4-H poultry leaders.


Poultry Contract Link: https://www.montana.edu/extension/gallatin/documents/4hdocuments/forms/2023PoultryContractFinal.pdf  


If you are planning to sell an animal at the county fair this summer, please review and sign the 2022-2023 Gallatin County Market Livestock Contract. This contract explains the workshop requirements, animal possession deadlines, expectations and other important information.This contract is due by the possession date for the Poultry Project and this is in addition to any other specific animal contracts that your project leaders may give you.

Sign Contract Here: https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=4697684b-6ff5-417b-af3c-e1d3e986b08b&env=na3&acct=960f6090-f7cb-40a6-adf5-0490f456d6eb&v=2


Shawna Oostema: 406-580-7819, fcclashawna@hotmail.com       

Judy Brownell: onebar4@aol.com 

Leah MacDonald: lmk80@live.com 

Judy Neiminen: 406-599-0639; lneiminen@gmail.com 



Hello everyone. With our first meeting of the new year concluded, I'm very excited for this year in the rabbit project. It was nice to see so many new faces at our January meeting. Our February meeting is going to be February 16th at 6pm. This will take place at the fairgrounds, once again, and run 45 minutes to 1 hour in length. The building that our meeting will take place in will be sent out over the remind app as soon as I have that info. 


If any parent, or community member, is interested in being a part of the rabbit committee, we would love to have you. As of now, 3 people run the entire project and put on fair. We would love to have all the help we can. Reach out to myself or one of the other committee members to see what this may entail. 


Please make sure to sign the livestock contract for the rabbit project. This is required of ALL 4-H members and as of our last meeting, very few had signed it.Sign Contract Here: https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=4697684b-6ff5-417b-af3c-e1d3e986b08b&env=na3&acct=960f6090-f7cb-40a6-adf5-0490f456d6eb&v=2


I am looking forward to seeing you all on the 16th! Please reach out with any questions you may have between now and then. 


Cody 406-209-4183 

Amy 406-209-2720 

Monica 406-399-1866 

For Sale: Rabbit Carrier 2 Hole Powder Coated - 14" x 16" x 12"

Manufactured using 1" x 1" Galvanized mesh wire and 1/2" x 1" wire mesh floors. The carrier is powder coated for a great look and protection. Lids flip open for easy access. Comes complete with carrying handles, plastic dividers, and 3" high galvanized tray.  Color Green.  Excellent shape.  $50.00.  Comes water and feed bowl for each side.  If interested, please email barbiehuber@hotmail.com or text 406-599-5950.  Thank you
Are you in need of a rabbit?
Both are young does. 4-H Rabbit member, Abi Burrows, rescued these rabbits and is looking to find them a home! For more information, please contact melee76@yahoo.com
We are excited to announce that we have a new leader that will be offering a Sewing Project this year! The Sewing Project will explore sewing and textiles through various projects. Members will learn how to use sewing tools, fitting, and designing.
If you are interested in this project, please enroll through your Zsuite profile ASAP!!
The introductory meeting will be on Monday, February 13th from 5:30pm-6:30pm at 2107 Lea Ave, Bozeman.


The project will meet once a month after the intial introductory meeting - most meetings will be workshop-style. The meetings/workshops will probably be 1.5-2 hours long so members can really work on their projects. Meetings will be held at the RevivALL Clothing Studio located at 2107 Lea Ave, Bozeman.


Questions? Contact new leader Laura with RevivALL Clothing at revivallclothing@gmail.com



Hello sheep project members! It was great to see everyone at our first meeting.


Next workshops:

Care, feeding and starting your market lamb Workshop: February 27th 6:30pm at the Extension office. *New members this will be a great meeting to come to and get lots of answers to the many questions!


Carcass Workshop: March 14th at 6pm. We will have our carcass workshop at Feddes Family Amsterdam Meats (6680 Amsterdam Rd). We will learn cuts of lamb, discuss lamb carcass quality. 


April- Date TBD We will tour the MSU Red Bluff Research Ranch. We will meet the ranch manager, learn about how the sheep facility is run and hopefully watch some ewes lamb! 


If you are planning to sell an animal at the county fair this summer, please review and sign the 2022-2023 Gallatin County Market Livestock Contract.  This contract explains the workshop requirements, animal possession deadlines, expectations and other important information. This contract is due by the possession date for your species.

Sign Contract Here: https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=4697684b-6ff5-417b-af3c-e1d3e986b08b&env=na3&acct=960f6090-f7cb-40a6-adf5-0490f456d6eb&v=2


Committee members:

Ruth Carr -kennellr@gmail.com (406) 539-4337

Kim Flikkema- kimflikkema@gmail.com (406) 599-1486

Jodilynn Kelley- jkelley@bridgerorthopedic.com (512) 663-5569



**Each Shooting Sports member will need to fill out an Informed Consent & Medical Release Form HERE: DocuSign


Questions? Contact the following leaders:


Archery – Patrick Marble - 406-570-5897

*Members must be 9 years old as of Oct. 1st to participate.

Archery - Big Sky Archery - Sundays





























Fair Shoot



Fair Shoot



Fair Shoot


3/3 -3/5/2023

State Shoot



Awards and Fun Shoot




Air Rifle/Pistol – Lee Nelson – 579-0612, Bill Ott – 209-2599

*Members must be 9 years old as of Oct. 1st to participate.

Air Rifle/Air Pistol - meets on Wednesdays with relays at 5:30, 6:30, and 7:30. 





Safety and Organizational Meeting




6:00 -8:00



6:00 -8:00



6:00 -8:00



6:00 -8:00



6:00 -8:00



6:00 -8:00



6:00 -8:00



6:00 -8:00


Fair Shoot

6:00 -8:00


Fair Shoot



State Match




Smallbore – Tom Everett – 570-8878, Scott Francis – 581-6845

*Members must be 10 years old as of Oct. 1st to participate.

Smallbore - Greenway Range - Mondays






5:00 - 6:30



5:00 - 6:30



5:00 - 6:30



5:00 - 6:30



5:00 - 6:30



5:00 - 6:30



5:00 - 6:30



5:00 - 6:30



5:00 - 6:30



5:00 - 6:30


State Match

8:00 - 4:00



Shotgun– Scott Francis – 581-6845

*Members must be 10 years old as of Oct. 1st to participate.

Shotgun - Manhattan Wildlife Association - Logan - Sundays





Safety Meeting &  Trap Shooting



Trap Shooting



Trap Shooting



Trap Shooting



Trap Shooting



Trap Shooting



Trap Shooting



Trap Shooting



Trap Shooting - State Shoot



Trap Shooting



Trap Shooting



Trap Shooting



Trap Shooting



No Shooting - Easter



Trap Shooting



Trap Shooting



Skeet & Sporting Clays TBD



Competitions TBD



Muzzle-loading – Bill Ott – 209-2599, Scott Francis – 581-6845

*Members must be 12 years old as of Oct. 1st to participate.

Muzzle-Loading and Hunting Project Schedule - TBD


Western Heritage – Todd Kesner – 451-1207

*Members must be 9 years old as of Oct. 1st to participate.

Our indoor meetings are at the Gallatin County Extension Office at 6:30 p.m. on January 24th, February 28th, March 28th, and April 11th. Please bring your 4-H Western Heritage Youth Activity Guide and your 4-H record book. Meetings usually last an hour or hour and a half. As the weather improves, we will meet at the gun range near Logan on Mondays.  Outdoor meeting dates are as follows:

Monday – April 17, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30

Monday – May 1, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30

Monday – May 15, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30

Monday – May 22, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30

Monday – June 5, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30

Monday – June 12, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30

Monday – June 19, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30

Monday – June 26, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30

Monday – July 10, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30

Monday – July 17, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30


There is also a training to become a volunteer 4-H Western Heritage project leader on Friday evening, April 21, 2023, and Saturday, April 22, 2023.



Mark your calendars with upcoming Swine workshops!

**Swine Quiz Bowl Workshop **NEW*** Saturday, Feb 4th, 10:00 am to 11:30 am. This will be at The Bridge Church in Manhattan. Members will compete on teams to test (or learn) their basic Swine knowledge. It's an opportunity to practice good teamwork and get to know other Swine members.

**MSU Animal Science Workshop Saturday, Feb 11th from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. This will be at MSU Linfield Hall 123 Topics are TBD as MSU is re-convening this coming week. This is a VERY good workshop, put on by a team of MSU Professors. It is a 2-hour workshop so we offer one workshop credit for attendance and credit for one workbook activity if you attend.

**Date Change**
**Swine Selection Workshop Tuesday, Feb 21st at 6:30 pm. at the Best Western GranTree Inn. Our guest speaker will be Hugh Braaten, a well-known and local expert on Swine. He is passionate about pigs and helping kids learn the basics of picking out a pig that will give you the results you need.

**Feeds & Nutrition Workshop Tuesday, Mar 7th at 6:30 pm. This will be at the Best Western Plus Grantee Inn in Bozeman. Guest speakers will be Rocky Mtn Supply / CHS and will speak to basic pig needs including feed and making a proper feed ration.



EACH Member is asked to sign a Swine Project Contract.  It's a good thing to review with your members to be sure they understand the commitment. We have it setup for e-sign this year! You're welcome to have your members sign it now (yes, they draw their signature on it) but it must be signed by April 19th, 2023 to participate in Fair. https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=a88327d7-beb3-41ab-84a7-49f5a89a9d2e&env=na3&acct=960f6090-f7cb-40a6-adf5-

0490f456d6eb&v=2 If completed properly, it will email you copy of the signed version. 


EACH Member will also sign a Market Livestock Contract. If you are planning to sell an animal at the county fair this summer, please review and sign the 2022-2023 Gallatin County Market Livestock Contract.  This contract explains the workshop requirements, animal possession deadlines, expectations and other important information. This is in addition to any other specific animal contracts that your project leaders may give you.

Sign Contract Here: https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=4697684b-6ff5-417b-af3c-e1d3e986b08b&env=na3&acct=960f6090-f7cb-40a6-adf5-0490f456d6eb&v=2. This will also be due by April 19th, 2023. 


Let us know if you have any questions or need more information at this time.

We look forward to reaching out again soon!

The Leaders of the Swine Squad:

Travis Collins, Lindsay Herron, Kelly Pavlik, Merle Farrier, Lee Nuss, Eric Johnson, Cory Taylor, Sarah Bailey and Libbie Oram



Questions? Reach out to Monika Johnson 406-579-3211



The Weed Science project is designed to teach members a basic understanding of invasive plants, causes of their invasion, economic and environmental impact of weeds, weed identification, and rangeland monitoring.


Our next meeting will be Monday, February 20th, at 6:00 pm at Herrick Hall on MSU Campus. More information will come via email regarding location as we are going to be working on a project.  


Questions? Contact Kevin McPhee at kevin.mcphee@montana.edu

Join our BAND app group: Gallatin County 4-H
Never miss important updates from the Gallatin County 4-H Office! 
Download the BAND app today and search "Gallatin County 4-H" subscribe to join our group. Meetings, fundraisers and deadlines can all be found here! 
You must opt-in, we will not add you and can choose to opt-out at a later date if needed. 
Molly Yurdana, 4-H Extension Agent  molly.yurdana@montana.edu
Colyn Wiening, 4-H Assistant gallatin4h@montana.edu
Kari Ballenger, Extension Administrative Assistant gallatin@montana.edu

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cody Stone, Director of Extension, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717. 
To request disability accommodation or to inform us of special needs, please contact the Extension Office at 406-582-3280  five (5) working days before the event.


Molly Yurdana
Gallatin County MSU Extension
4-H Youth Development Agent

(406) 582-3284 | molly.yurdana@montana.edu | http://gallatin.msuextension.org/                                                                                                                                                 back to top

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Gallatin County MSU Extension | 903 North Black Ave | Bozeman, MT 59715

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