A Generous Gift from Governor Gianforte
The Montana 4-H Foundation was gifted over $18,000 by Montana Governor Gianforte!
The Montana 4-H Center requested our Gallatin County 4-H office be the hosting location for their "Gift of Learning and Service" event. Montana 4-H Foundation Staff facilitated workshops to 4-H members from Gallatin and 6 other neighboring counties on December 14th, 2022. Special guests, Governor Gianforte and the first lady, Susan Gianforte, made an appearance at the event as part of their 12 Days of Giving.
The Governor was able to interact with 4-H members during hands-on workshops such as pie-making, tie-blankets and goal-setting before he made his 12 Days of Giving announcement. He chose the state-wide Montana 4-H Foundation as a non-profit to donate a portion of his yearly salary to during this holiday season.
It was a great honor to host Monana 4-H Center, MSU Extension Staff, and the Governor at our local 4-H office here in Bozeman. A huge thank you to the Montana 4-H Center staff who coordinated this event and to the Governor for his generous donation to support 4-H programs across the state of Montana.
Photo credit: Governor's Office |
The 2022-2023 4-H Year Theme is… “Rooted In 4-H”
Each year we select a theme and this year we got an early start on ideas and designs. “Rooted In 4-H” will serve as our theme for this 4-H Year.
- This theme and graphic will be used as the 2023 4-H Fair logo, club display contest theme in the Indoor Building during fair week, annual Awards Night and more!
- Leaders, we encourage you to use this theme/logo for any 4-H swag that you design for your clubs/projects or for any activities throughout the year. *As a reminder: be sure to use the official 4-H clover, unaltered, for any designs, publications, advertisements, flyers, etc. that you create.
OFFICIAL AGENDA: Join Us in January!
Each year ULC likes to provide workshops to both youth and volunteers. These workshops will be open to all youth members, volunteers and adults who would like to attend and learn!
Please RSVP on the SignUp so that we can plan for food and materials: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084DA9A92AABFE3-4hwinter
Youth Workshops:
- Record Book 101: New to 4-H? Or do you need a Record Book refresher? Start the new year off right by learning how to properly fill out your project/club records, track expenses and complete workbook activities. This will be our first county-wide Record Book training of this year. **We encourage ALL youth to attend this workshop, especially those planning to participate in the Fair.
- Officer Training: If you are currently elected to serve as an officer in your club or if you have ever considered being an officer, this training is for YOU. Come and learn what it means to be an officer and how to work with your fellow officers to lead your club in the coming year. We will have a general session and then break up into different groups to dive deeper into the different offices - President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter/Historian and Other.
- Parliamentary Procedure: Get ready to learn more about conducting organized meetings using parliamentary procedure. The rules for parliamentary procedure came about to ensure a consistent process for conducting deliberative meetings. We encourage members, club officers and future officers to attend this workshop!
- County & State Events - What Are They and What To Expect: Gallatin County 4-H puts on various county-wide events throughout the year, many of which are coming up in the spring and summer. These county events allow 4-H members to get involved with various youth in our organization, practice public speaking, demonstrate a unique skill, explore project areas and more! This workshop will provide details on events such as: Communication Day, Stir Ups, MSU Concessions, Community Promotional Booths, 4-H Summer Camp, State Rec Lab and Congress.
Volunteer Workshops: We welcome any parents or certified volunteers to attend these workshops. Sessions will focus on adults and volunteers who would like some direction in navigating being a volunteer and supporting the youth they lead. Topics will include record books, county events, conflict management and more!
Montana 4-H Citizenship Seminar 2023
Sunday, January 15 - Tuesday, January 17, 2023 at the Delta Hotels Helena Colonial (early afternoon to early afternoon)
Open to youth ages 13-19 (13 as of October 1, 2022) and certified volunteer chaperones 21 years of age and older.
What is Montana Citizenship Seminar?
Montana Citizenship Seminar is designed to inspire 4-H youth as they learn about the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. Youth delegates gain hands-on experience with the legislative process by participating in a mock legislature, create and debate bills, work with other youth from across the state, meet with elected officials, tour the capitol, and participate in a service-learning project. Citizenship Seminar is traditionally held in Helena in the years when the legislature is in session. Youth delegates share their 4-H experience with current legislature representatives during the Legislative Breakfast which is hosted on January 17 by Montanans for 4-H.
COMING SOON: MSU Agricultural Education Department Partnership
Gallatin County 4-H has the unique opportuntiy to partner with the MSU Agricultural Education department during spring semesters in the odd calendar years. Dr. Shannon Arnold, Professor in Agricultural Education, teaches an Extension Philosophy and Programs in Extension course (AGED309) that we will be partnering with in spring 2023. In this course, MSU undergrad students explore different types of Extension programming and gain hands-on experience teaching non-formal education programs to an audience (ex. 4-H workshops).
Attention 4-H Leaders/Volunteers: MSU students may be reaching out to you towards the end of January to connect with your 4-H club or project. They are looking to create and teach a workshop (appox. 45 mins.- 1 hr.) to your club/project 4-H members. It can be a workshop topic you already have in mind that you need assistance with, or something totally new that the students take the lead on.
If you have a specific need for a workshop, please email molly.yurdana@montana.edu so we can connect you with students directly. |
Montana 4-H Volunteer Institute
The Montana 4-H Volunteer Institute is open to all 4-H volunteers in Montana. Registration cost is $75 and the event will be at the Double Tree Hotel in downtown Billings. The institute will be a great opportunity to learn from other volunteers and Extension Agents, network, and celebrate the accomplishment of volunteers across Montana.
ULC has funding available to help support registration/hotel costs. Fill out this form FundingRequestForm.pdf (montana.edu) and return to Molly ASAP to get it on the ULC meeting agenda.
More information and Session Descriptions Here:
If interested in attending, please send an email to Molly at molly.yurdana@montana.edu |
*NEW* Montana 4-H Volunteer Orientation Requirement
ALL VOLUNTEERS (new and returning) are REQUIRED to complete this online training this 4-H year. The four interactive modules only take about 1 hour total to complete. The modules cover the 4-H basics, positive youth development, risk management, conducting effective meetings, policy and more!
- New Volunteers: MUST complete the orientation modules before the State will turn you “Active” in ZSuite. *As a reminder, you must be “Active” to be considered certified, be covered by our insurance and be allowed to conduct 4-H youth meetings/events/activities. New Volunteers please complete ASAP!
- Returning Volunteers: You will be turned “Active” when you re-enroll and pay, however please complete this training no later than January 31st, 2023 (deadline was extended due to lack of completion).
We have been told that using Chrome as your browser when running the modules works the best. If you have any technical difficulties, or questions, please reach out.
Gallatin County 4-H Amazon Smile
Support Gallatin County 4-H while shopping on Amazon at no extra cost to you!
0.05% of purchases you make on Amazon will automatically be donated to Gallatin County 4-H. Proceeds will support Gallatin County 4-H club/project activities throughout the year
Join our BAND app group: Gallatin County 4-H
Never miss important updates from the Gallatin County 4-H Office!
Download the BAND app today and search "Gallatin County 4-H" subscribe to join our group. Meetings, fundraisers and deadlines can all be found here!
You must opt-in, we will not add you and can choose to opt-out at a later date if needed.
JANUARY 2 Citizenship Seminar & Legislative Breakfast Registration DUE (via ZSuite)
JANUARY 3 ULC Meeting & Foundation Annual Meeting
JANUARY 7 Winter Workshops - RSVP HERE
JANUARY 15-17 Citizenship Seminar & Legislative Breakfast (Helena)
JANUARY 23 Newsletter Blurbs DUE
See January Committee, Club and Project updates in sections below.
The 4-H Year at a Glance - Full 2022-2023 4-H Yearly Calendar HERE
ULC (Unlimited Leaders Council)
ULC meets the first Tuesday of every month, with our next meeting on January 3rd at 6pm at the Extension Office.
The ULC met before the holidays in December to prepare for a busy rest of our 4-H year. Be sure to keep an eye on your calendars for all the fun upcoming training and events!
During our Business Meeting we approved three new Youth Members. We are still seeking a Vice President as well as new members to complete our roster.
Proposed bylaw change to the 4-H Unlimited Leaders Council’s Terms of Office:
- This bylaw change must be published for 30 days to allow for any public comment or feedback. See below the proposed Terms of Office Policy that would impact ULC committee member terms of service
- (Article 7, Item 8b): Adult Council members may not serve consecutive terms. Adult members may serve a maximum of two (2) terms in succession, plus the time served to fill a vacancy or a term of less than three years. A Council member that has termed off, may again be elected to the Council after a one (1) year period from the date of expiration of their preceding term. Adult Council members may complete a partial term and then be re-elected for one (1) full three year term.
- Please contact the office with any questions or feedback on this proposed policy before February 1st. Thank you!
Please feel free to join us for our January meeting if you’re interested in learning more about ULC.
We want to thank all volunteers that have completed their required training modules. As a reminder, these need to be finished in ZSuite for all new volunteers to be considered active and therefore covered by MSU Extension and 4-H to facilitate meetings and events.
We hope to see you all at our training on January 7th at 8:45am at MSU's Animal Bioscience Building (see flyer above). We will have Club Officer Training and Record Book training for the Youth AND Parents/Leaders as well as county events and 4-H Roles & Expectations. Please use the link below to register all youth and adults:
Happy Holidays to everyone! - Submitted by Jessie Sheperd
Current Committee: Shelly McPhee, Aaron Pruitt, Kelly Pavlik, Patrick Marble, Toni Berger, Tamara Knappenberger, Stephanie Lively, Monika Johnson, Jessie Sheperd and Molly Yurdana. Youth Members: Kaitlyn Scott, Erica Hastings and Nicole Berger.
If you are planning to sell an animal at the county fair this summer, please review and sign the 2022-2023 Gallatin County Market Livestock Contract. This contract explains the workshop requirements, animal possession deadlines, expectations and other important information. This is in addition to any other specific animal contracts that your project leaders may give you.
Please note: The Poultry and Swine projects have additional contracts that are supplementary to the Market Contract.
All other information will be in the Fairbook, which is usually published in March each year.
The next MLC meeting is January 17th at 6pm at the Extension Office. |
The next Gallatin 4-H Foundation meeting will be held January 3rd at the Extension Office @ 6pm. This committee fundraises for higher education scholarships and new clubs and projects.
Dag Nabids Club
Contact leaders for meeting dates, times and locations.
Questions, please call or text:
Belinda Nash 406-570-5585 or
Monika Johnson 406-579-3211
DLE Club
Developing Leadership Excellence is one of the Teen Leadership projects and clubs for Gallatin County. This project and club is open to members 13 and up.
The leadership project had a meeting on December 18th to discuss and brainstorm ideas for the new 4-H year including a retreat and to participate in the State Leadership Forum. Our next meeting is tentatively scheduled for January 8. Please watch your email and Band for more information.
If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee - ksmcphee0315@gmail.com (email),
gallatindle@gmail.com (email), or 406-595-4774 (text).
Gallatin Gallopers Club
Contact leader for meeting dates, times and locations.
Our club is based on the Horseless Horse project, but anyone interested in horses is welcome to join.
The Gallatin Gallopers had our first meeting of the new 4-H year on November 9. We have a lot of new members, so we spent time talking about ideas for activities, project books, record books, and general 4-H opportunities. We did not get anything planned for December, but we have two field trips coming up. One will be a tour of Montana Equine Medical and Surgical Center in Three Forks. The other will be a horse packing demonstration with Heroes and Horses. Details have not been finalized yet, so members will be contacted by email with that information, hopefully in early January.
If you have questions, contact Cynthia Brewer at 406-539-3806 or cynthiab610@gmail.com.
Hyalite Hawks Club
Contact leader for meeting dates, times and locations.
For any questions, please contact
Jen Wold: jenmariewold@hotmail.com
Four Corners/Gallatin Gateway Area Clubs |
Gateway Challengers Club
Meetings take place the second Monday of each month at the Gallatin Gateway Community Center from 6:30- 8:00 p.m.
For any questions, please contact
Jessica Black
Belgrade Pioneers Club
Meetings take place on the first Thursday of each month at 6:00pm at WB Ranch in Belgrade.
The Belgrade Pioneers met on Thursday, December 15th, at the WB Ranch Arena for our annual Christmas Party. We had taco bar for dinner and a short business meeting. Our activity was stations, decorating Rice Krispy Trains, making cards for the local nursing home, ornaments, and dance freeze tag. We concluded with a left-right gift exchange. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, January 5th, at 6 pm, at the WB Ranch Areana.
Pass Creek Club
Meetings take place on the first Sunday of each month at 4:00pm at Springhill Church.
For any questions, please contact Cassie Smieja: smiejahay@latmt.com
Saddle Mountain Club
Contact leader for meeting dates, times and locations.
Our first meeting will be January 8th at 4pm at Rocky mountain Supply office. We will go over Bylaws and elect officers.
For any questions, please contact
Jess Woodring:
Saddle Stars Club
Club meetings take place the second Monday of each month, at 6:00 pm at the Bridge Church in Belgrade.
On December 12th the Saddle Stars 4-H club held a club meeting. Members also enjoyed games, food, fellowship, and a gift exchange at the annual holiday part.
Club members are selling Don Greytak calendars to raise money for club activities and arena time. Several members have already sold their calendars and turned their money in. We discussed creating a new t-shirt for the club. Please bring all artwork ideas for the t-shirt design, on January 9th, to our monthly meeting.
Dates for future Club Rides are TBD, but they will be held in the fairgrounds Indoor Arena on Sundays from 1-3 pm. - Submitted by Luke Pumphrey, Reporter
Contact our club leader, Tamara Knappenberger for more information.
Email: Saddlestars4h@gmail.com
Facebook: @SaddleStars4H
Website: https://saddlestars4hclub.webs.com
Tamara: tkknappenberger@yahoo.com (307) 214-8336
Shining Mountaineers Club
Meetings take place on the first Monday of each month from 6:00-8:00pm at the River Rock Nazarene Church.
On December 5th we held our monthly club meeting and Christmas party at the Church of Nazarene. We had our usual club meeting and had our Christmas party afterward. We played pin the nose on Rudolph, giant Jenga, musical chairs, and cookie decorating. we will hold our next meeting January 9th at 6:00pm at the Church of Nazarene.
For any questions, please contact leader Patrick Marble at 406-570-5897
Dry Creek Teens Club
This club is designed for members ages 12 & older as of Oct. 1st.
Meetings take place on the first Monday of each month at 6:30pm at the Bridge Church in Manhattan.
Our next meeting will be January 2nd.
If you have questions, please contact Kelly Pavlik 406-600-1016 or via email kelly.pavlik@barnard-inc.com
Gallatin Valley Livestock Club
Contact leader for meeting dates, times and locations.
For any questions, please contact Jen Scott: gr8jenscott@gmail.com
Manhattan Clever Clovers Club
This club is for members ages 8-11 as of Oct. 1st. We do not specialize in any projects but introduce the members to record keeping, demonstrations/ public speaking, parliamentary procedure and pick fun topics to learn about each month.
Meetings take place on the second Monday of each month at 6:30pm at the Bridge Church in Manhattan.
Our next meeting will be January 9th.
If you have questions, please contact Kelly Pavlik 406-600-1016 or via email kelly.pavlik@barnard-inc.com
If your member is 7th grade and older and they’ve been in 4-H previously, we encourage them to join the Dry Creek 4-H Club but please inquire if you are unsure what would be best for your member.
We are also seeking an Adult Volunteer to serve as a co-leader to help organize/carry out for this upcoming 4-H year.
Manhattan Livestock Club
Contact leader for meeting dates, times and locations.
For any questions, please contact Melanie Duffin: rmduffin3@gmail.com
Clarkston Mustangs Club
Contact leader for meeting dates, times and locations.
For any questions, please contact Cassandra Mitchell:
Willow Creek Wranglers Club
Meetings take place on the second Monday or Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm at Three Forks School.
Their next meeting will be January 10th at 6pm at the Three Forks Elementary School Library.
For any questions, please contact Katy Hansen at 570-9996 or Sam Cavin at 599-8288.
Member At Large
New to 4-H? Not sure what club fits your style? Register for your projects under
“Member at Large” when completing your 4-H Enrollment Clubs page on ZSuite.
Participating in a specific 4-H club is not a requirement to participate in 4-H projects, but clubs provide members a great opportunity to get more involved with their communities, leaders, and group activities.
We encourage members to join one of our clubs listed above!
2022-2023 4-H Projects
(listed alphabetically) |
Are you 13 years old or older? Do you want to help younger members in the County? Do you like to plan and put on events and attend retreats? Do you want to be a Gallatin County Ambassador for the 2022 - 2023 4-H year?
If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee at ksmcphee0315@gmail.com or 406.595.4774.
We had a great December meeting where we made Christmas Culinary Creations! The MSU Baking Project will meet on the third Monday evening of January, so January 16th. January will find us making Breakfast for Dinner! We will meet at the MSU Food Lab, Herrick Hall Room #120, located on S. 7th Avenue.
I am looking forward to baking with you all!
MSU Baking Dates:
January 16
February 20
March 20
April 17
May 8
If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee - ksmcphee0315@gmail.com (email) or 406-595-4774 (text).
If you are planning to sell an animal at the county fair this summer, please review and sign the 2022-2023 Gallatin County Market Livestock Contract. This contract explains the workshop requirements, animal possession deadlines, expectations and other important information.This contract is due by the possession date, January 8th, for the Beef Project.
Sign Contract Here: https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=4697684b-6ff5-417b-af3c-e1d3e986b08b&env=na3&acct=960f6090-f7cb-40a6-adf5-0490f456d6eb&v=2
January 8th, 2023 is our MANDATORY tagging and weigh-in at the Veltkamp feedlot. This is a requirement. You must tag and weigh your steer at this date. You cannot tag animals past this date to be eligible for the project and Fair. We will be sending out COOL forms, and the beef contract for you to bring. Be sure if you don’t already have a brand inspection- bring your bill of sale and $2 for the brand inspector who will be there- a schedule will be sent out closer to the time.
April 16th, 2023- Mandatory weigh-in and demonstration of control. This is where you have to demonstrate full control of your steer in order to attend fair.
You will be required to attend at least 3 workshops, but encouraged to attend as many as possible. We try to host an educational workshop once a month until fair. We vary the days and times to try to accommodate everyone’s busy schedule. There are TWO MANDATORY events with no exceptions. PLEASE put those above dates on your calendar!
Please feel free to call any of the leaders any time with questions:
Beef Committee:
Annabel Morgan 406-580-9003
Seth Halverson 406-209-1178
Melanie Duffin 406-209-1978
Craig DeBoer |
Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each month at the Gallatin County Extension Office at 6pm.
Email Ginny Francis ginnyfrancis@yahoo.com or Kelley gklerwick@gmail.com for further details and location details.
25 teen 4-H members applied and interviewed to serve as Camp Counselors for the 2003 4-H Camp! The camp project had a meeting on December 20th to determine the theme for the coming camp season. We also had a pizza party and played games. Our next meeting will be announced soon. Please watch your email and Band for more information.
If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee - ksmcphee0315@gmail.com (email), gallatincamp@gmail.com (email), or 406-595-4774 (text).
The Cloverbud program is designed for youth ages 5-7 (age as of Oct. 1) and strives to develop age-appropriate skills and abilities by giving these young members the opportunity to explore various topics and activities in 4-H before becoming a regular youth member.
Cloverbud Project will meet on the second Wednesday of the month (Dec-June) at the fairgrounds from 5:30-7pm.
Watch for an email a few days before for building number, supplies to bring ect.
If you have questions please email Erin Neil at ehagmeier@gmail.com.
Happy New Year 2023!! Our next meeting is scheduled for January 17th, 6 - 8:30 pm, at the MSU food lab, room #120 in Herrick Hall, located on S. 7th Avenue off of W. Cleveland. If you aren't familiar with the MSU campus and need details on how to get there, then call or text me and I can explain in detail. You will receive a Signup Genius email before the meeting to sign up. Please RSVP so that we can plan accordingly. Hope to see you all there!
Call, text, or email Stephanie Lively with any questions.
Happy New Year to all of the 4-H dairy cow project members! Our first dairy cow workshop will be held January 9, 2023 from 6:30 to 8:00pm at the 4-H office. We look forward to seeing you there.
- Project leaders Shawna Oostema (406) 580-7819 or Cassie Smieja (406) 539-3833.
Dog Obedience: Shawnna Taylor will be the new Dog Obedience project leader this year! Meetings will be held at Murray Kennels, 25 Dollar Dr, Belgrade, MT 59714. Cloverbuds (ages 5-8) are welcome. Project meetings/classes will not begin until the end of March or early April - so there won't be any new information until the February newsletter. However, if anyone has questions between now and then please contact Shawnna at 406-599-0869 or shawnna0869@gmail.com
Dog Agility: Jen Osler will remain the leader for the Dog Agility project this year. Meetings will be held at Murray Kennels, 25 Dollar Dr, Belgrade, MT 59714. Project meetings/classes will not begin until the end of March or early April - so there won't be any new information until the February newsletter. However, if anyone has questions between now and then please contact Jen at facility@montanamurraykennels.com
Happy Holidays! Our first meeting will be January 25th at 6:30pm at the Extension Office. This will be a mandatory meeting for both Dairy and Market Goat as it has a lot of information on expectations and requirements for the new year. We will send out an email as it gets closer to the date.
If you are planning to sell an animal at the county fair this summer, please review and sign the 2022-2023 Gallatin County Market Livestock Contract. This contract explains the workshop requirements, animal possession deadlines, expectations and other important information.This contract is due by the possession date, May 7th, for the Goat Project.
Sign Contract Here: https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=4697684b-6ff5-417b-af3c-e1d3e986b08b&env=na3&acct=960f6090-f7cb-40a6-adf5-0490f456d6eb&v=2
Amy Brownell (406) 209-2720
Gena Johnson (406) 599-5920
Aimee Henry (406) 548-1031
Happy Holidays! Our first meeting will be January 25th at 6:30pm at the Extension Office. This will be a mandatory meeting for both Dairy and Market Goat as it has a lot of information on expectations and requirements for the new year. We will send out an email as it gets closer to the date.
Questions? Contact a member of the Dairy Goat Committee:
Leah' Macdonald 406-220-3556
Gena Johnson 406-599-5920
Happy New Year! The Horse Project is kicking off the new year with several clinics this month! Please check the calendar below and sign up via the links (clickable links sent to your email from Horse Committee) next to the clinic at least 2 days in advance! If you don't sign up, we can’t plan effectively and you will not receive notices if last minute changes are made due to weather, etc. You don't want to show up to an empty parking lot and locked building! If you forget to signup 2 days ahead and want to come, call the contact listed!
All members must complete the Horse Policy and Helmet Video acknowledgment forms before riding. These forms, and links to other important information can be found on the Links 2022 Page here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nWe47M745EwK_QkKYlxOmNfFkhGGlLtsDpXQgIGuqk8/edit
All members are also expected to secure a $50/member or $75/family sponsorship, engage in fundraising, or buyout their obligation before March 1.
If you are interested in purchasing a horse project sweatshirt, please contact Amy Free 406-581-4140. If you haven't picked one up that you ordered, please reach out to her too!
Looking for some new ways to have fun with your horse? Try out for Twisters, Gallatin county’s one and only youth horse drill team! Call Jessie Sheperd for more information!
Jessie Sheperd- Twister Coach 352-304-1648 jlsheperd@gmail.com
Greetings knitters and crocheters!
We will be meeting at Cafe M in Belgrade, 9:30 - 11:15am on the first and third Saturday of each month. **In January, we will meet on the 14th and 21st instead!
- Jeanette and Phyllis
This project and club is open to members 13 and up. Developing Leadership Excellence is one of the Teen Leadership projects and clubs for Gallatin County.
he leadership project had a meeting on December 18th to discuss and brainstorm ideas for the new 4-H year including a retreat and to participate in the State Leadership Forum. Our next meeting is tentatively scheduled for January 8. Please watch your email and Band for more information.
If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee at ksmcphee@charter.net or 406-595-4774.
LEATHERWORKING **New project this year!
For future meetings we are tentatively planning to split into two groups and meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at the Church of Nazarene.
Questions? Contact leader Merrita Marble at marble@bresnan.net or 406-388-2055
Call Kris with Questions: 406-539-3760. Make sure to add kmbrewcrew@gmail.com to your safe-list to recieve the email updates. |
Hello everyone and happy new year. It is time to get the rabbit project going for this new year. Our project meeting will be Thursday, the 19th of January. This will take place at one of the exhibit buildings located at the Gallatin county fairgrounds. Exact location will be sent through the Remind App so make sure to get signed up.
I have received several emails regarding older rabbits needing new homes. If you are interested in one of these rabbits, please let me know. On this note, please keep in mind that a rabbit is potentially a 10 year commitment no different than a dog or cat. While everyone likes a cute cuddly bunny for a year or 2, there are several that are let go every year. Please make sure you can commit to the life of your rabbit as older animals are almost impossible to find new homes for.
Also, EVERY rabbit member is required to sign the market contract. This is not only for members participating in the market side of the project. Please get those signed and returned to the office as soon as you can.
Sign Contract Here: https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=4697684b-6ff5-417b-af3c-e1d3e986b08b&env=na3&acct=960f6090-f7cb-40a6-adf5-0490f456d6eb&v=2
Thank you all and see you on the 19th!
Cody 406-209-4183
Amy 406-209-2720
Monica 406-399-1866
Happy New Year to all of the 4-H poultry project members! We are looking forward to seeing everyone on January 12, 2023 for the required meeting for all of the market poultry members. We will be meeting in Exhibit Building 3 at 6:30 to 8:00pm. Please also note that we will be meeting the second Thursday of each month. Come and learn what changes we have made to the poultry market program and tips on how to be successful with your market projects. *Members not in market poultry are also encouraged to attend.
**Each Shooting Sports member will need to fill out an Informed Consent & Medical Release Form HERE: DocuSign
Questions? Contact the following leaders:
Archery – Patrick Marble - 406-570-5897
*Members must be 9 years old as of Oct. 1st to participate.
Archery - Big Sky Archery - Sundays
Fair Shoot
Fair Shoot
Fair Shoot
3/3 -3/5/2023
State Shoot
Awards and Fun Shoot
Air Rifle/Pistol – Lee Nelson – 579-0612, Bill Ott – 209-2599
*Members must be 9 years old as of Oct. 1st to participate.
Air Rifle/Air Pistol - meets on Wednesdays with relays at 5:30, 6:30, and 7:30.
Safety and Organizational Meeting
6:00 -8:00
6:00 -8:00
6:00 -8:00
6:00 -8:00
6:00 -8:00
6:00 -8:00
6:00 -8:00
6:00 -8:00
Fair Shoot
6:00 -8:00
Fair Shoot
State Match
Smallbore – Tom Everett – 570-8878, Scott Francis – 581-6845
*Members must be 10 years old as of Oct. 1st to participate.
Smallbore - Greenway Range - Mondays
5:00 - 6:30
5:00 - 6:30
5:00 - 6:30
5:00 - 6:30
5:00 - 6:30
5:00 - 6:30
5:00 - 6:30
5:00 - 6:30
5:00 - 6:30
5:00 - 6:30
State Match
8:00 - 4:00
Shotgun– Scott Francis – 581-6845
*Members must be 10 years old as of Oct. 1st to participate.
Shotgun - Manhattan Wildlife Association - Logan - Sundays
Safety Meeting & Trap Shooting
Trap Shooting
Trap Shooting
Trap Shooting
Trap Shooting
Trap Shooting
Trap Shooting
Trap Shooting
Trap Shooting - State Shoot
Trap Shooting
Trap Shooting
Trap Shooting
Trap Shooting
No Shooting - Easter
Trap Shooting
Trap Shooting
Skeet & Sporting Clays TBD
Competitions TBD
Muzzle-loading – Bill Ott – 209-2599, Scott Francis – 581-6845
*Members must be 12 years old as of Oct. 1st to participate.
Muzzle-Loading and Hunting Project Schedule - TBD
Western Heritage – Todd Kesner – 451-1207
*Members must be 9 years old as of Oct. 1st to participate.
Our indoor meetings are at the Gallatin County Extension Office at 6:30 p.m. on January 24th, February 28th, March 28th, and April 11th. Please bring your 4-H Western Heritage Youth Activity Guide and your 4-H record book. Meetings usually last an hour or hour and a half. Our first meeting on January 24th is an orientation to prepare you for the upcoming year. As the weather improves, we will meet at the gun range near Logan on Mondays. Outdoor meeting dates are as follows:
Monday – April 17, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30
Monday – May 1, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30
Monday – May 15, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30
Monday – May 22, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30
Monday – June 5, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30
Monday – June 12, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30
Monday – June 19, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30
Monday – June 26, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30
Monday – July 10, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30
Monday – July 17, 2023 – 2 bays, 6:30 – 8:30
There is also a training to become a volunteer 4-H Western Heritage project leader on Friday evening, April 21, 2023, and Saturday, April 22, 2023.
Hi everyone! We have started planning for another great year in the Swine Project.
We wanted to answer some
📅 When are the Swine Project Meetings? We do not meet regularly (same-day-each-month-type schedule) We will offer many opportunities for the youth to meet the 3-workshop requirements between now and June (typically 12-15 workshops are offered). Our Committee is finalizing the workshops in mid-December and will issue an entire list soon thereafter so you can better plan your project. As a preview, we're currently planning a Project Orientation Meeting on Monday, January 16th at 6:00pm. For this, we ask that new members (1st or 2nd year) plus one parent / helper attend if possible. It is an opportunity to learn about the project requirements, some of the lingo and meet all members of the Swine Committee. We will also invite older Senior Members to speak and introduce themselves at this meeting so SAVE THE DATE.
⏳ What should we be doing right now to get ready?
⬜ Go by the Extension Office and pay your invoice to become fully registered in 4-H & pickup your Project Workbooks (if you're new or moving to the next level)
⬜ Like Reminders via text? Register your cell phone (and any Members) for our Remind page (we recently disabled the 2022 Remind so you must re-register) https://www.remind.com/join/fh2693
⬜ EACH Member is asked to sign a Swine Project Contract.
It's a good thing to review with your members to be sure they understand the commitment. We have it setup for e-sign this year! You're welcome to have your members sign it now (yes, they draw their signature on it) but it must be signed by April 19th, 2023 to participate in Fair. https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=a88327d7-beb3-41ab-84a7-49f5a89a9d2e&env=na3&acct=960f6090-f7cb-40a6-adf5-
0490f456d6eb&v=2 If completed properly, it will email you copy of the signed version.
⬜ EACH Member will also sign a Market Livestock Contract. If you are planning to sell an animal at the county fair this summer, please review and sign the 2022-2023 Gallatin County Market Livestock Contract. This contract explains the workshop requirements, animal possession deadlines, expectations and other important information. This is in addition to any other specific animal contracts that your project leaders may give you.
Sign Contract Here: https://na3.docusign.net/Member/PowerFormSigning.aspx?PowerFormId=4697684b-6ff5-417b-af3c-e1d3e986b08b&env=na3&acct=960f6090-f7cb-40a6-adf5-0490f456d6eb&v=2. This will also be due by April 19th, 2023.
⬜ Look around for a source for your pigs, discuss your budget for purchasing, and make plans for building / improving your pen and shelter for your pigs in the spring.
💰 How can we help the Swine Project as a whole?
Fundraising! We've identified additional repairs to the Swine Barn, needs for expanding to accommodate our growing project AND we want to buy some awesome prizes for Fair this year. For all of this, we would LOVE for you and your family to sign up for a MSU Basketball Game Concessions spot or two (yes you've received several emails about this to-date). If the 101 Swine members
over the age of 10 signed up w/ a parent and donated their time to the Swine Project, our Project could raise a substantial amount of money! It's a great fundraiser and it empowers the kids to contribute/help (mom and dad aren't just cutting checks); it's indoors and warm; AND there is no prep for members, parents or us leaders: you just show up for the times listed and funds are transferred through the 4-H Office. Please sign up to help and you can meet some of your fellow Swine Families! --> https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c084da9a92aabfe3-winter or via email (ksmcphee0315@gmail.com) or text (406-595-4774). There are needs as early as this Friday 11/18 and the busier the game, the more money we have the potential to raise. The final benefit to signing up, is we will get less emails asking us to sign up 😏
Let us know if you have any questions or need more information at this time.
We look forward to reaching out again soon!
The Leaders of the Swine Squad:
Travis Collins, Lindsay Herron, Kelly Pavlik, Merle Farrier, Lee Nuss, Eric Johnson, Cory Taylor, Sarah Bailey and Libbie Oram
Questions? Reach out to Monika Johnson 406-579-3211
WEED SCIENCE **New project this year!
The Weed Science project is designed to teach members a basic understanding of invasive plants, causes of their invasion, economic and environmental impact of weeds, weed identification, and rangeland monitoring.
Our next meeting will be Monday, January 16th, at 6:00 pm at Herrick Hall on MSU Campus.
Questions? Contact Kevin McPhee at kevin.mcphee@montana.edu
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cody Stone, Director of Extension, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717.
To request disability accommodation or to inform us of special needs, please contact the Extension Office at 406-582-3280 five (5) working days before the event.
Molly Yurdana
Gallatin County MSU Extension
4-H Youth Development Agent
(406) 582-3284 | molly.yurdana@montana.edu | http://gallatin.msuextension.org/ back to top
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