We are only a few weeks away from the 2022 Big Sky Country State Fair!
The 2022 Fairbook, "Are You Ready for Fair Checklist," Record Book Interview signups, Buyer Marketing Materials and MORE are all on our office website.
Fair Information - Gallatin County Extension | Montana State University (msuextension.org)
Market Animal & Horse Photos Due Online: Friday, July 1st by 5pm
Record Books Due to Office: Wednesday, July 6th by 5pm
Record Book Help Video
4-H Youth Exhibitor Wristbands, 4-H Adult Week Passes & Parking Passes: Available at the Extension Office until July 15th (cash or check only)
If you have any questions, please contact the office. We can't wait to see your exhibits!
Art Contest Results
Thank you to all the 4-H members that submitted entries to our Gallatin County 4-H Art Contest back in April! The ULC Committee voted on the artwork and winners were selected! Gallatin County youth artwork will be used on promotional and informational items, as well as displayed in the Indoor Exhibit Building during Fair Week. Congrats to our winners!
Ezra Miller (Overall Winner & 1st place Junior Division)
Alivia Jones (2nd place Junior Division)
Thomas Milesnick (3rd place Junior Division)
Makinzey Milesnick (1st place Intermediate Division)
Joy James (2nd place Intermediate Division)
Deanna Yung (1st place Senior Division)
Weston Milesnick (Cloverbud Division Winner) |
4-H Café Help Wanted
The money earned from the concessions is a large part of helping youth and volunteers attend events, fund projects and much more! Your couple of hours is so helpful to making 4-H successful. We are looking for youth ages 8 and older to work in the 4-H Concessions Stand during Fair Week! Youth 8-11 years old must be accompanied by an adult. (Please make sure to sign up for an adult slot. If the adult slot is filled, please select another time.) Café Help SignUp: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c084da9a92aabfe3-concessions
Additionally, we have a few more needs for the Café this year!
- Student Managers: We are looking for 2 student managers to aid and help the manager. Duties will include prepping food, cooking, cleaning, and managing.
- Concessions Manager or Managers: Do you have a day or two or even the entire week to be a concessions manager? The concession stand will open Monday, July 18. Monday and Tuesday it will be open 8:00 am - 8:00 pm. Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday it will be open 8:00 am - 11:00pm, Friday it will be open 8:00 am - around midnight. (Friday is Market Sale Night, so it will be open for the duration of the sale or until we run out of food.) Sunday, July 24, it will open at 8:00 am and will be done when everything is cleaned up and cleaned out, usually 7 or 8 pm.
- These positions have monetary compensation. Contact Shelly McPhee (ksmcphee0315@gmail.com or 406-595-4774) for more information or if you are interested.
We Want To Highlight Our Seniors!
All of us here in the office are so proud of the hard work you have put in to get to where you are, congratulations!
Please join us at the NWFCS Tent at the end of the Round Robin Event on Sunday, July 24th at 2:00pm for our Senior Recognition Ceremony. You and your parents/guardians will be introduced, the information you submited will be read, and you will receive a surprise!
When: August 1- 4, 2022
Where: Yellowstone Alliance Adventures
Theme: "Mystery"
Who: Youth ages 8-13 (based on age as of Oct. 1st, 2021)
Details: Mark your calendars for the 4-H “Mystery” Summer Camp. Attendees will have a blast solving a classic "who done it" mystery while working as a team. They will use and learn the 4 H's of 4-H, head, heart, hands, and health to gain lifelong skills to be a good citizen. Drop off your camper on August 1st starting a 9:30 am and return to pick them up August 4th by 3:00 pm. We look forward to having a fun week with your camper, please let us know if you have any questions.
Online registration is required on ZSuite:
4-H Members: Log into your ZSuite account and look for Summer Camp registration under the “Events” tab.
- Cost for Non-Members is $235
You may pay online or at the Extension Office.
Join the fun! We are looking for adult volunteers to serve as camp chaperones. We need both male and female chaperones, age 21 and older. Adult chaperones provide supervision, enthusiasm and inspiration for both campers and counselors. Camp is planned and implemented by a group of teen counselors, under the guidance of their directors. Adult chaperones support this team to ensure camp is safe, fun and educational. We are looking for adults to serve 24 hours, the entire week or somewhere in between.
If you are interested in learning more about being a camp chaperone, contact Shelly McPhee (ksmcphee0315@gmail.com or 406-595-4774) for more information or if you are interested.
JULY 5 ULC Meeting
JULY 6 ALL (Indoor, Horse, and all Animal) Record Books Due to Extension office
JULY 14 - 15 Livestock (including Poultry and Rabbit) & Horse Record Book Interviews (SignUp Genius links on our website and in our emails)
JULY 13 - 16 Montana 4-H State Congress
JULY 16 - 24 Big Sky Country State Fair
JULY 18 Indoor Projects & Dog Project Inteviews (12pm-6pm) Exhibit Building #3
JULY 22 Market Livestock Auction
JULY 23 Newsletter Blurbs Due
JULY 24 Graduating Senior Recognition Ceremony at Fair (2pm under the NWFCS tent)
AUGUST 1- 4 Gallatin County 4-H Summer Camp
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Art Contest! All artwork is featured above in this newsletter!
The fair is quickly approaching! Take a break from the heat at the fair and tell fair-goers about Gallatin County 4-H by working a shift in the promotional booth! Sign up here: Gallatin County 4-H: 4-H Promotion Booth 2022
Did you know that all profits from the Concessions Stand go back to our 4-H members? It’s used for project books, Record Book Awards Night, Communications Day, Stir Ups, State and National Events and more! Sign up to help in the Concessions Stand at Fair! Gallatin County 4-H: 4-H Cafe & Concessions 2022
Best of luck and we’ll see you at the Fair!
ULC now meets the first Tuesday of every month, with our next meeting on July 5th at 6pm at the Extension Office.
The Committee decided to have a July meeting instead of an August meeting due to 4-H Camp conflict and taking graduating seniors to colleges. Meeting will be the first Tuesday, July 5th, and they will skip the August meeting that was scheduled for August 2nd.
The Foundation Committee met on May 26th and voted to award 6 scholarships this year to graduating seniors pursuing higher education! Scholarship recipients have been sent Award Notification letters via email and mail.
Scholarship recipients and graduating seniors will be recognized during Fair during the Market Sale (July 22nd) and during the Senior Recognition Ceremony (July 24th).
The next Gallatin 4-H Foundation meeting will be held August 25th at the Extension Office @ 6pm. This committee fundraises for higher education scholarships and new clubs and projects.
The Gallatin County 4-H/FFA Livestock Committee met on June 28th. They discussed the Fair Registration edits, final fair preparations and the logistics of the Market Sale scheduled for July 22nd, 2022.
The next meetings are July 19, 20, and 21st at 6pm at the Extension Office (meetings are conducted each night during fair week). |
Belgrade Pioneers Club
The Belgrade Pioneers will have a club display in the Indoor Exhibit building during fair!
If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee - belgradepioneers@gmail.com (email), ksmcphee0315@gmail.com (email), or 406-595-4774 (text).
Dab Nabids
No update for the Dag Nabids Club. Best of luck to fair participants. Please reach out to a senior 4-H member or leader with questions or concerns. We cannot wait to see your projects at fair.
Questions, please call or text:
Belinda Nash 406-570-5585 or
Monika Johnson 406-579-3211
Dry Creek-Teens
This club meets in Manhattan monthly on the 1st Monday. The programming is tailored to 7th grade and older and we do not specializing in any projects just topics that teach advanced life skills, teen leadership and citizenship. If you have questions, please contact Kelly Pavlik 406-600-1016 or via email kelly.pavlik@barnard-inc.com
Gallatin Gallopers
No update for the Gallatin Gallopers Club. Best of luck to fair participants. Please reach out to a senior 4-H member or leader with questions or concerns. We cannot wait to see your projects at fair.
Contact for club information: Cynthia Brewer 406-539-3806, cynthiab610@gmail.com
Gateway Challengers
On June 13th, the Gateway Challengers met for their monthly meeting. The meeting was informal and the group listened to a few demonstration speeches, ate a pizza dinner and then proceeded to a project tour field trip of some 4-H members projects at their homes. Projects viewed included swine, goats, rabbits and steers.
There will be no meeting in July or August. The next formal meeting will be September 12th at 6:30 at the Gateway Community Center.
Submitted by Jack Stuart
Leader: Jessica Black
Manhattan Clever Clovers
We do not specialize in any projects but introduce the members to record keeping, demonstrations/ public speaking, parliamentary procedure and pick fun topics to learn about each month. If your member is 7th grade and older and they’ve been in 4-H previously, we encourage them to join the Dry Creek 4-H Club but please inquire if you are unsure what would be best for your member. We are also seeking an Adult Volunteer to serve as a co-leader to help organize/carry out for this upcoming 4-H year. If you have questions, please contact Kelly Pavlik 406-600-1016 or via email kelly.pavlik@barnard-inc.com
Shining Mountaineers
The Shining Mountaineers will have a club display in the Indoor Exhibit building during fair.
For any questions, please contact Patrick Marble at 406-570-5897
Willow Creek Wranglers
The Willow Creek Wranglers will have a club display in the Indoor Exhibit building during fair.
For any questions, please contact Katy Hansen at 570-9996 or Sam Cavin at 599-8288.
Are you 13 years old or older? Do you want to help younger members in the County? Do you like to plan and put on events and attend retreats? Do you want to be a Gallatin County Ambassador for the 2021 - 2022 4-H year? If you are 13 or older and are interested in becoming a Gallatin County Ambassador, please complete the application and submit it to the Extension Office or Shelly by October 31. If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee at ksmcphee@charter.net or 406.595.4774.
Baking at MSU
May was our last month to meet for this 4-H year. We will resume meetings in November for the 2022-23 year. Make sure to sign up in October when registration opens, the project has limited space and fills up quickly! If there are any recipes we made throughout the year that you would like a copy of, then send me an email and I'll pass them on.
We will be baking 4-H clover cookies to sell at fair concessions in July for our annual fundraiser. This is a great opportunity to raise money for our project! We will meet at the MSU cooking lab (our usual meeting spot) on July 9th & 10th, 10 am to 4 pm. We will need volunteers to help, so please sign up if you're available... everyone will receive a SignUp Genius email.
Please call, text, or email Stephanie Lively with any questions.
Cloverbuds (Ages 5-7)
Cloverbuds have wrapped up our year after our end of the year potluck and service project. See you at the fair!
We meet at the fairgrounds on the 3rd Thursday of the month from 5:30-6:30. An email about the upcoming meeting is sent the Monday before. If you have questions please Email Erin Neil at ehagmeier@gmail.com.
Cooking at MSU
May was our last month to meet for this 4-H year. We will resume meetings in November for the 2022-23 year. Make sure to sign up in October when registration opens, the project has limited space and fills up quickly! If there are any recipes we made throughout the year that you would like a copy of, then send me an email and I'll pass them on.
We will be baking 4-H clover cookies to sell at fair concessions in July for our annual fundraiser. This is a great opportunity to raise money for our project! We will meet at the MSU cooking lab (our usual meeting spot) on July 9th & 10th, 10 am to 4 pm. We will need volunteers to help, so please sign up if you're available... everyone will receive a SignUp Genius email.
Please call, text, or email Stephanie Lively with any questions.
Dairy Cow
Any questions please call project leaders Shawna Oostema (406) 580-7819 or Cassie Smieja (406) 539-3833.
Dog Projects
Dog agility will meet Thursdays at 4pm. Be prepared to work inside or outside! As the temperatures start to warm up we will be having more classes outside.
Dog obedience will continue to meet Wednesdays at 4:30. Be prepared to work inside or outside! As the temperatures start to warm up we will be having more classes outside.
Goat- Dairy
The Dairy Goat Project requires each member to attend a minimum of 4 workshops to participate at fair.
**May 1st was the deadline for possession of your goats
**CL/CAE test results are due by July 1st
Char Seger 815-980-0888 Caitlynn Seger 406-404-0707
Leah' Macdonald 406-220-3556 Gena Johnson 406-599-5920
Goat- Market
Hello everyone! I'm sure everyone is busy getting ready for fair. Just a few last minute reminders that your Market Goat Record Book, Financial Records, My 4-H Year and curriculum workbooks need to be turned in to the Extension Office by July 6th at 5pm. Also, please make sure you're signed up for your interview! There will be an email sent out soon to sign up for barn duty during fair. Every member is required to sign up for at least 1 time slot during fair, if you are able to sign up for more that's great as our goat project is smaller!
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us! Gena (406) 599-5920 Amy (406) 209-2720 Aimee(406) 548-1031
Horse Projects
Attention Horse Project Members:
Our 2022 Big Sky Country State Fair Horse Show is July 16-18. Please come to the "Check In and Chill Out" on Friday, July 15 from 5-7:30PM check in, bit check, arena set up and an ice cream social. Help spread the word about the 4-H Horse Show by sharing this flyer Fair Horse Show Flyer with your family and friends! Please see this Horse Show Schedule for order of classes.
Record books are due July 6th by 5:00 to the County office. Record books should contain your My 4H year, Animal Record and horsemanship project books.
Interviews: All members who are showing are required to interview. Interviews are being held on July 14 and 15th. Follow this link to schedule your interview. Horse Interview Signup
Stalls: Please sign up on this Stall Sign up if you would like a stall. $20 returnable stall fee. Check in with Toni Berger Friday night or check in at the Horse Show Office 30 minutes before the start of the show each day. You will receive your check back when you check out with a clean stall. One bag of shavings has been provided by Rocky Mountain Supply!
Bit Check: When you check in, please bring whatever bits you plan to use Friday night at 5:00pm or 30 minutes before the start of the show each day. Once your bit has been approved and marked accordingly, you do not need to have it rechecked each day. Leave the marker on your bit for the entire show!
Rule Update: Level 1 (walk/trot) riders will be permitted to use a snaffle bit for any age horse and can ride with two hands with a snaffle bit.
Patterns: Members are encouraged to practice their patterns before Fair! Contact us (before the fair starts preferably) if you have any questions regarding the patterns!
2022 Horse Patterns
Greetings knitters and crocheters! Please join us at Cafe in M in Belgrade from 9:30am to 11:30am. Please email both leaders if you are unable to attend.
- Jeanette and Phyllis
Call Kris with Questions: 406-539-3760. Make sure to add kmbrewcrew@gmail.com to your safelist to recieve the email updates. |
See you at fair!
Please reach out to one of our committee members with any questions you may have.
Cody and Amy Brownell 406-209-4183 406-209-2720
Monica Samson 406-399-1866
See you at fair!
Don't forget to reference the Poultry Photos document that was handed out at the last meeting to ensure you create your photo boards and upload photos/videos correctly. If you need leg bands for your market birds, they are available at the Extension office.
Shawna Oostema: 406-580-7819, fcclashawna@hotmail.com;
Barbie Huber: 406-599-5950; barbiehuber@hotmail.com;
Judy Neiman: 406-599-0639; lneiminen@gmail.com
It's Fair Month!!!
Please remember to have your record books in to the Extension Office by Tuesday, July 6th @ 5pm. Record Books will not be accepted late- NO EXCEPTIONS!
If you have not scheduled an interview for Fair, please do so ASAP!
We look forward to seeing everyone in a few weeks!
Committee Members:
Craig Carr-craig.carr@montana.edu; (406) 539-4338
Ruth Carr- kennellr@gmail.com; (406) 539-4337
Kim Flikkema-kimflikkema@gmail.com; (406)-599-1486
Shooting Sports
Volunteers needed:
Gallatin County 4-H Shooting Sports is in desperate need of adults to become certified leaders in the different disciplines that are offered in 4-H Shooting. We are desperately in need of assistance in archery and shotgun. In order for us to provide a safe and educational experience, we need your help. Please consider becoming a leader. More information on leader trainings will made available as it is received. Please plan to attend. For more information, please contact Scott Francis – 581-6845.
Questions: Contact the following leaders
Archery – David Miller – 451-9942
Air Rifle/Pistol – Lee Nelson – 579-0612, Bill Ott – 209-2599
Smallbore – Tom Everett – 570-8878, Scott Francis – 581-6845
Shotgun, Hunting & Wildlife – Scott Francis – 581-6845
Muzzle-loading – Bill Ott – 209-2599, Scott Francis – 581-6845
Western Heritage – Todd Kesner – 451-1207
See you at fair! Keep an eye out for any communications from the Swine Committee email and the Extension office on pre-fair information.
We have set up a Parent & Member Remind text group for project-related correspondence https://www.remind.com/join/834dbc. They're short and sweet but you must opt-in, we will not add you and can choose to opt-out at a later date if needed.
-The Leaders of the Swine Squad
Travis Collins, Lindsay Herron, Kelly Pavlik, Merle Farrier, Lee Nuss, Eric Johnson, Cory Taylor, Sarah Bailey and Libbie Oram
Vet Science
See you at fair!
Questions? Reach out to Monika Johnson 406-579-3211
Molly Yurdana, Extension Agent molly.yurdana@montana.edu
Colyn Wiening, 4-H Assistant gallatin4h@montana.edu
Kari Ballenger, Extension Administrative Assistant gallatin@montana.edu |
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cody Stone, Director of Extension, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717.
To request disability accommodation or to inform us of special needs, please contact the Extension Office at 406-582-3280 five (5) working days before the event.
Molly Yurdana
Gallatin County MSU Extension Agent
(406) 582-3284 | fax (406) 582-3289 | molly.yurdana@montana.edu | www.gallatinextension.com back to top
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