Superhero Status Achieved!
Congratulations to all our 2022 Gallatin County 4-H Communication Day & Stir Ups contest participants. Their superpowers were put to the test in speeches, presentations and recipes over the last couple months of county contests and were recognized at our Awards Night at the end of April! |
Mark Your Calendars
The Big Sky Country State Fair will be July 16-24th, 2022
The 2022 Gallatin County 4-H Fair theme is "Mountains of Adventure." Utilize this theme when planning your educational posters, club displays for the indoor building or any of your marketing materials for your livestock animals!
**The 2022 Fairbook, Fair Registration instructions and Record Book Interview signups will be released VERY soon - keep an eye out for those emails coming your way!
MAY 1 4-H Enrollment CLOSES
MAY 1 Montana 4-H State Congress
Registration Opens
MAY 3 ULC Meeting
MAY 10-12 Farm Fair
MAY 18 AQA Workshop #3 (last one)
MAY 23 Newsletter Blurbs DUE
MAY 26 Foundation Meeting
MAY (TBD) Fair Registration Opens (watch your email)
JULY 6 ALL Record Books Due to office
JULY 13-16 Montana 4-H State Congress
JULY 14-15 Record Book Interviews
JULY 16-24 Big Sky Country State Fair
AUGUST 1-4 Gallatin County 4-H Summer Camp
At their April meeting, the Unlimited Leaders Council discussed the need for a new President-Elect to serve on their committee and are looking for volunteers who may be interested. Prior discussion on the potential change of the member enrollment deadline from May 1 to March 1 starting in the 2022-2023 4-H Year was continued. The policy and procedures committee is currently drafting up that policy change.
In other business, Extension Agent Molly suggested ordering 2022 Fair Logo stickers to disperse at events leading up to and at the fair this year. It was also decided to pursue scheduling the Gallatin County 4-H Annual Awards Night celebration tentatively for the end of September.
ULC now meets the first Tuesday of every month, with our next meeting on May 3rd at 6pm at the Extension Office.
We had 6 scholarship applicants this year! The Foundation committee is currently reviewing those applications and will announce recipients soon!
The April Gallatin 4-H Foundation meeting was postponed and the next meeting will be held May 26th at the Extension Office @ 6pm. This committee fundraises for higher education scholarships and new clubs and projects.
Next meeting is May 24th at 6pm at the Extension Office.
Stay tuned for updates and emails regarding the 2022 Fairbook, Fair Registration, Record Book Interviews and more! |
Belgrade Pioneers Club
The Belgrade Pioneers have been busy in the month of April! On April 2 we helped the Bozeman Optimists with their Garagarama. We held our club meeting on April 7, 2022. At our meeting we worked on a couple of our April Month-of-Service projects: we filled Easter Eggs for the VFW Easter Egg Hunt, and we worked on tie-blankets for our joint project of backpacks for foster children. We also helped out with the petting zoo at the VFW Easter Egg Hunt on April 16. Whew! We have been busy and we are happy to report that our community service projects are going well! Our next club meeting will be May 5, 2022, at 6:00 at the WB Ranch Arena. If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee - belgradepioneers@gmail.com (email), ksmcphee0315@gmail.com (email), or 406-595-4774 (text).
Dab Nabids
The Dag Nabids met at Kagy Korner for an ice cream social and meeting on April 12. We discussed the club logo design for our T-shirt and fundraiser opportunities. Our club will participate in the Bozeman Dog Poop Cleanup Day April 15. The next meeting for the Dag Nabids will be Tuesday, May 10 at 6:15pm to 7:30pm at the MSU Animal Bioscience Building Room 138. We plan to discuss the club display at the Big Sky Country State Fair and requirements to participate in fair (bring your 4-H books and project books to the meeting). Please call or text Belinda (406-570-5585) or Monika (406-579-3211) with questions.
Submitted by: Reagan Flentie, Dag Nabids Reporter
The members of Teen Leadership have prompted several activities this month! We launched a county-wide food drive in mid-April that will continue through May 15th. They are also collecting clothes and preparing for the Show Clothes Exchange, which will be held on April 30 at 4:00 - 5:15 (following AQA) at the Fairgrounds. Our next meeting will be Monday, May 16, at 6:00. If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee - ksmcphee0315@gmail.com (email), gallatindle@gmail.com (email), or 406-595-4774 (text).
Dry Creek-Teens
This club meets in Manhattan monthly on the 1st Monday. The programming is tailored to 7th grade and older and we do not specializing in any projects just topics that teach advanced life skills, teen leadership and citizenship. If you have questions, please contact Kelly Pavlik 406-600-1016 or via email kelly.pavlik@barnard-inc.com
Gateway Challengers
The Gateway Challengers met on Monday April 11, 2021 for our monthly meeting. Our meeting consisted of developing fundraising ideas to raise money for our club. This was followed by club members demonstration speeches. After the meeting the club members has an opportunity to socialize and enjoyed snacks.
- Submitted by Jack Stuart
If you have any questions contact Jessica Black (406) 539-0940 or theblacksmail@gmail.com.
Manhattan Clever Clovers
We do not specialize in any projects but introduce the members to record keeping, demonstrations/ public speaking, parliamentary procedure and pick fun topics to learn about each month. If your member is 7th grade and older and they’ve been in 4-H previously, we encourage them to join the Dry Creek 4-H Club but please inquire if you are unsure what would be best for your member. We are also seeking an Adult Volunteer to serve as a co-leader to help organize/carry out for this upcoming 4-H year. If you have questions, please contact Kelly Pavlik 406-600-1016 or via email kelly.pavlik@barnard-inc.com
Saddle Stars
Our upcoming club rides’ current dates are; May 15th, and June 26th. The club rides are held from 1-3pm at the Fairgrounds’ Indoor Arena.
Club meetings take place the second Monday of each month, at 6:30pm at the Bridge Church in Belgrade. Contact our club leader, Tamara Knappenberger for more information.
Email: Saddlestars4h@gmail.com
Facebook: @SaddleStars4H
Website: https://saddlestars4hclub.webs.com
Tamara: tkknappenberger@yahoo.com I (307)214-8336
Shining Mountaineers
On April 4th we had our monthly meeting at the Church of Nazarene, we finished up our club communications. We are planning on doing a tour of the Visser Greenhouse on April 30th. Our next meeting is the 2nd of May at 6:00 at the Church of Nazarene.
- Submitted by Brynn Wiening
For any questions, please contact Patrick Marble at 406-570-5897
Willow Creek Wranglers
For any questions, please contact Katy Hansen at 570-9996 or Sam Cavin at 599-8288.
Are you 13 years old or older? Do you want to help younger members in the County? Do you like to plan and put on events and attend retreats? Do you want to be a Gallatin County Ambassador for the 2021 - 2022 4-H year? If you are 13 or older and are interested in becoming a Gallatin County Ambassador, please complete the application and submit it to the Extension Office or Shelly by October 31. If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee at ksmcphee@charter.net or 406.595.4774.
Baking at MSU
We will meet at the MSU food lab, room #120 in Herrick Hall, located on S. 7th Avenue. You will receive a SignupGenius email before our meeting to RSVP. It is important to sign up so that we can plan each meeting accordingly.
Please call or email Stephanie Lively with any questions.
Beef kids- We hope you and your steers are all doing well- please pay close attention because we only have TWO beef workshops left!
May 4th @ 6pm Gallatin County Extension office - Agvocate Vs. Activist- learn about current issues in the beef industry and how to be a good advocate for agriculture! Snacks and drinks provided.
June 7 Showmanship judging- fair practice:
3:30 – 5:30 pm Unload at tie-outs and check your animal’s-weight and health. Go to wash rack and rinse your animals. Probably not be able to shampoo unless time allows. Chutes can be set-up next to wash rack.
5:30-8 Showmanship clinic with Mark King at indoor arena. We will break up into smaller groups for showmanship/judging clinic …
Our goal is to try and accommodate to people’s schedule. If you want to rinse you can show up anytime between 3:30-5:30. This is optional.
What to bring; Hose with spray nozzle, chute, blower, neck rope, brushes, show stick, show halter(not required). If you don’t have these things there will be some extras provided - We are working on dinner and prizes.
As we get closer to fair I’m sure you have lots of questions- we are always here to help you. We strongly encourage you make it to the fair practice workshop with your steer. This will help you feel more comfortable about fair and your steer as well. Don’t forget you need to be practicing having them drink out of buckets- and eating out of whatever you plan to bring to fair! They can be very fussy about change!
We are getting into the time frame where you have to pay VERY close attention to withdrawal times for any medications/ pour on treatments for your animals. Do not forget if something comes up and your steer gets sick that you and your vet are aware of their butcher date.
Seth Halverson- (406) 209-1178
Annabel Morgan (406) 580-9003
Melanie Duffin (406) 209-1978
Lee Nuss (406) 599-0601
Camp Counselors
The camp project is rolling along. The Counselors have chosen a theme - Mystery - and are busy preparing workshops and other activities. We are also looking to launch registration soon! Our next meeting is tentatively set for May 10 at 6:30 at the WB Arena. Be watching your email, text, and Band app for additional information. If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee - ksmcphee0315@gmail.com (email), gallatincamp@gmail.com (email), or 406-595-4774 (text).
Cloverbuds (Ages 5-7)
We have had a wonderful cloverbud year so far! Our meeting topics have included: what is 4-H?, rabbit, cooking, woodworking, dog and a service project. In May we will talk about horticulture and we will have an end of the year picnic in June.
We meet at the fairgrounds on the 3rd Thursday of the month from 5:30-6:30. An email about the upcoming meeting is sent the Monday before. If you have questions please Email Erin Neil at ehagmeier@gmail.com.
Cooking at MSU
We will meet at the MSU food lab, room #120 in Herrick Hall, located on S. 7th Avenue. You will receive a SignupGenius email before our meeting to RSVP. It is important to sign up so that we can plan each meeting accordingly.
Please call or email Stephanie Lively with any questions.
Dairy Cow
The May workshop for the dairy cow project will be held with the dairy goat project members on Monday May 2, 2022 at 6:30pm to 8:00pm in the 4-H Conference room. We will be looking at the differences/similarities between dairy cow and dairy goat milk and will be making soap and ice cream! Please also remember to be working on your workbooks and record books this month. We are planning a June showmanship practice and will discuss available dates with the members during the May meeting. Any questions please call project leaders Shawna Oostema (406) 580-7819 or Cassie Smieja (406) 539-3833.
Dog Projects
Dog agility will meeting Thursdays at 4pm. Be prepared to work inside or outside! As the temperatures start to warm up we will be having more classes outside. During the week of Memorial Day we will not be having class! No class on June 2nd! Otherwise all classes until then are meeting.
Dog obedience will continue to meet Wednesdays at 4:30pm. Be prepared to work inside or outside! As the temperatures start to warm up we will be having more classes outside. During the week of Memorial Day we will not be having class! No class on June 1st! Otherwise all classes until then are meeting.
Goat- Dairy
Upcoming workshops are:
- May 2nd - Making things with Milk- @ the 4H office & the dairy cow project members will be joining us
- May 10th , 11th and 12th- Farm Fair - we will be sending out sign ups in April
- June date TBD- fitting workshop/ getting ready for fair
- June 18th- Big Timber ADGA show- participation in the show counts towards a workshop requirement
**we are still working on scheduling a dairy tour and possible record book workshop
The Dairy Goat Project requires each member to attend a minimum of 4 workshops to participate at fair.
**May 1st is the deadline for possession of your goats
**CL/CAE test results are due by July 1st
Char Seger 815-980-0888 Caitlynn Seger 406-404-0707
Leah' Macdonald 406-220-3556 Gena Johnson 406-599-5920
Goat- Market
Hey everyone! I know most of us are staying pretty busy with all the new animals. We are having a MANDATORY meeting May 15th at the Indoor Arena at the fairgrounds at 1pm for tagging and weigh-ins. **Your market goat must be tagged and weighed to be eligible to show/sell at fair. If for any reason you cannot make it, please reach out to me beforehand to make other accommodations. You must have possession of your market goat by May 5th. I am also working on having a record book meeting going over financial records and requirements this month, date and time TBD. I will send out an email separately for that. The mandatory showmanship workshop will be June 27th at 6:30. If you have any questions, please reach out to me or the market goat committee at any time. Gena (406) 599-5920, Amy (406) 209-2720, Aimee (406) 548-1031.
Horse Projects
Hi Horse Project Members!
Spring is finally here and it's time to Saddle up! There are only a few more 4H clinics planned before Fair so mark your calendar and sign up! Also, watch your inbox for info on the 4H State Horse show in Joliet Sept 9-11. Anyone who competes at the county level is eligible to compete at state! Likewise, the WRH Finals is always a blast so start planning to attend now! A few reminders:
- Submit proof of Flu/Rhino vaccine to gc4Hhorse@gmail.com
- Money and tickets for the WRH raffle is due May 7.
- Watch your inbox for info on the Prepare for Fair competition for riders in Level 1-3. Start documenting your activities and win cool prizes at Fair for your effort.
Greetings knitters and crocheters! Please join us at Cafe in M in Belgrade from 9:30am to 11:30am. Please email both leaders if you are unable to attend. Dates we will meet: May 7, May 21, June 4, June 18.
Jeanette and Phyllis
Leadership (Teens)
The members of Teen Leadership have prompted several activities this month! We launched a county-wide food drive in mid-April that will continue through May 15th. They are also collecting clothes and preparing for the Show Clothes Exchange, which will be held on April 30 at 4:00 - 5:15 (following AQA) at the Fairgrounds. Our next meeting will be Monday, May 16, at 6:00. If you have any questions, please contact Shelly McPhee - ksmcphee0315@gmail.com (email), gallatindle@gmail.com (email), or 406-595-4774 (text).
Call Kris with Questions: 406-539-3760. Make sure to add kmbrewcrew@gmail.com to your safelist to recieve the email updates. |
Hello everyone. Hard to believe there are only 2 rabbit meetings left before fair. Our monthly meeting will be held on May 19th at 6pm in the Red Sale Pavilion at the fairgrounds. I hope to see everyone there!
Please reach out to one of our committee members with any questions you may have.
Cody and Amy Brownell 406-209-4183 406-209-2720
Monica Samson 406-399-1866
The poultry project will meet at 6:30pm on Thursday, May 12th at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds, Building 2.
Due to A1 Bird Flu restrictions, Please DO NOT bring your bird to the meeting. Please bring your record books, workbooks (Activity Books), your egg drop creation to test and a stuffed animal that resembles a poultry species. You do not need to go out and buy a stuffed poultry animal. You can use another animal and or bring a picture of your bird and information about its breed. For example, where it originated, what variety, classification, other interesting facts. We will have showmanship trivia questions and a mock showmanship.
Standard of Perfection Poultry book Opportunity: The Oostema Family is offering a chance for 4-H members to be selected for a Standard of Perfection memorial giveaway. In the memory of Vicki Stevenson (a prior 4-H judge in Gallatin County and a poultry mentor to myself) my family is offering the opportunity to receive a standard book. To apply for the opportunity 4-H members can submit a two to three paragraph essay stating how they would use the standard book if awarded and how it could impact their 4-H projects. The essays will be reviewed, and the standards will be awarded hopefully at our May/June meetings. Essays to be submitted to my email (fcclashawna@hotmail.com) by May 11, 2022 for May awarding and by June 1, 2022 for June awarding.
4-H members also need to be on the lookout for a follow up email on our fundraising project at the fair and an email on biosecurity for best AI protections of their flocks. If anyone has any questions regarding AI (Bird Flu), please go to the website usda.gov website and or contact your leaders. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/avian-flu-summary.html or https://liv.mt.gov/Animal-Health/Avian-Influenza-2022 We will keep you updated as we know more.
Shawna Oostema: 406-580-7819, fcclashawna@hotmail.com;
Barbie Huber: 406-599-5950; barbiehuber@hotmail.com;
Judy Neiman: 406-599-0639; lneiminen@gmail.com
We had a great time visiting the MSU Red Bluff Research Ranch last month. Thank you so much for hosting us!
- We will be tagging sheep on Sunday, May 15th from 4-6 pm. We will be at the wash rack at the Fairgrounds. Members do not need to attend but ALL sheep must be there to be tagged. There is no exception to this rule.
- We also have our Showmanship workshop on Thursday, May 26th from 6:30 -8:00pm. We will meet in the indoor arena at the Fairgrounds. Please BRING YOUR LAMBS!!!!
- Slick Shearing Demonstration - Please
DO NOT bring your lambs! 6:30 PM June 9, 2022 Location, TBA. Senior Sheep members demonstration of how to slick shear your lamb in preparation for the show ring.
Craig Carr- craig.carr1@gmail.com (406) 539-4338
Ruth Carr- kennellr@gmail.com (406) 539-4337
Shooting Sports
The 2022 Shoot-A-Thon is completed for this year. We earned $4877.25 for the program. I want to thank all of you that participated and helped to earn money to support the program. John Sterling at Murdoch’s Ranch and Home Supply on North 7th Avenue donated the gift cards for the top three sellers for the Shoot-A-Thon. A huge thank you goes out to him and Murdoch’s. Their continued support helps to run our program for the 4-H youth enrolled in Shooting Sports in Gallatin County.
The top three sellers for the Shoot-A-Thon for this year are:
1st Place – Carol Maxcy - $1489.50 - $100.00 Gift Card from Murdoch’s
2nd Place – Jayden Kessler - $566.00 - $75.00 Gift Card from Murdoch’s
3rd Place – Cooper Fallang - $537.75 - $50.00 Gift Card from Murdoch’s
The gift cards will be available at the 4-H Office right after Easter. Congratulations and well done.
If anyone has any other ideas for another fundraiser for the program, please contact Scott Francis at 406-581-6843 or scott.francis@montana.edu. Thank you and have a great summer.
Volunteers needed:
Gallatin County 4-H Shooting Sports is in desperate need of adults to become certified leaders in the different disciplines that are offered in 4-H Shooting. We are desperately in need of assistance in archery and shotgun. In order for us to provide a safe and educational experience, we need your help. Please consider becoming a leader. More information on leader trainings will made available as it is received. Please plan to attend. For more information, please contact Scott Francis – 581-6845.
Questions: Contact the following leaders
Archery – David Miller – 451-9942
Air Rifle/Pistol – Lee Nelson – 579-0612, Bill Ott – 209-2599
Smallbore – Tom Everett – 570-8878, Scott Francis – 581-6845
Shotgun, Hunting & Wildlife – Scott Francis – 581-6845
Muzzle-loading – Bill Ott – 209-2599, Scott Francis – 581-6845
Western Heritage – Todd Kesner – 451-1207
Hi Swine Families - we just want to say thank you for getting all of the Tagging Photos & Contracts in by the deadline!
Our next order of business is to update you on the balance of our Workshops - so you can get them on your calendars:
May 11th (Wed) @ 6:30pm {location TBD} - Posters, Marketing, Record Books, Workbooks
May 17th (Tues) @ 6:30pm {@ Fairgrounds} - Competitive Showmanship / Judge Terms
May 21st (Sat) @ 10:00am {Pavlik House / 1033 Yadon Rd, Manhattan} - Introduction to Showmanship
June 2nd (Thur) @ 6:30pm {Pavlik House / 1033 Yadon Rd, Manhattan} - Fitting & Clipping
June 15th (Wed) @ 6:30pm {location TBD} - All Species Marketing Workshop w/ Buyers and Learn about the Sale
June 20th (Mon) @ 6:30pm {location TBD} - All Species Project Interviewing
June 21st (Tues) @ 6:30pm {Merle's House / Poleman Ln, Manhattan} - Farrowing
Each member must attend 3 workshops, per the contract you just signed. You are welcome to join any number of them to ensure you're up to date on information.
There is also the option of attending a Jackpot Show in lieu of one of these Workshops.
Substitute Workshop Credit is received for the Jackpot after you submit a short summary (2-3 paragraphs) about your Jackpot experience and what you learned to this email gallatinswineproject@gmail.com
Program Sponsors Needed!!
As a committee our focus is shifting toward planning for the Fair (approx 90 days away).
We have big plans this year to accommodate our ever-growing project as well as other needs. We are expanding the wash rack (
everyone say yeah!) and other improvements.
To accomplish all of this we need the help of our members and families (herein referred to as the Swine Squad) to raise some funds. This funds drive will only be run for a short time (deadline May 2nd) so we can plan accordingly.
Please reach out to your Family, Friends, Neighbors and anyone that may want such recognition in our Swine Barn @ the Fair. Per the attachment in our recent email, please feel free to direct them to us if they have any specific questions (not the 4-H Office) about how the funds will be used. But rest-assured, the funds will stay directly benefiting the kids in the program for years to come.
All donations can be provided with a receipt upon request (immediately if payment is made at the 4-H Office or sent to you at a later time).
We appreciate your support and looking forward to a great year!
We have set up a Parent & Member Remind text group for project-related correspondence https://www.remind.com/join/834dbc. They're short and sweet but you must opt-in, we will not add you and can choose to opt-out at a later date if needed.
-The Leaders of the Swine Squad
Travis Collins, Lindsay Herron, Kelly Pavlik, Merle Farrier, Lee Nuss, Eric Johnson, Cory Taylor, Sarah Bailey and Libbie Oram
Vet Science
Our classroom time is winding down with only two more meetings left as fair project preparations are underway. We'll plan on completing, as a group, another 1 or 2 Workbook activities in the May 3 meeting (6:15-7:15pm, MSU 4-H Extension Office, small conference room). Note: the Vet Science project requires a minimum of four (4) activities to be completed per 4-H calendar year. I highly encourage all members to enter their Vet Science project in the Fair Interview process...it's a terrific experience for youth speaking with an adult about something of great interest to them, and the personal benefits from gaining confidence, understanding the preparation skills required for an interview (i.e., future job, college, ...), to enjoying the fun of participating in an educational experience with your peers is so worth it!
The June meeting will focus on wrapping up activity books (answering any remaining questions needed to complete the assignment) and building/crafting/creating the group Educational Exhibit for the fair. We'll select a display concept at the May meeting.
Questions? Reach out to Monika Johnson 406-579-3211
Molly Yurdana, Extension Agent molly.yurdana@montana.edu
Colyn Wiening, 4-H Assistant gallatin4h@montana.edu
Kari Ballenger, Extension Administrative Assistant gallatin@montana.edu |
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cody Stone, Director of Extension, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717.
To request disability accommodation or to inform us of special needs, please contact the Extension Office at 406-582-3280 five (5) working days before the event.
Molly Yurdana
Gallatin County MSU Extension Agent
(406) 582-3284 | fax (406) 582-3289 | molly.yurdana@montana.edu | www.gallatinextension.com back to top
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